Chapter 14

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Short Chapter

Olivia P.O.V

I woke up in a room full of white, then i looked down and saw that i was in a white gown.

i looked up and saw someone i didnt think i would see for a long while, it was my dad, i ran up to him and hugged him while he planted kisses on my forehead.

i looked up with tears in my eyes "i missed you daddy"

"me too olive"

we continued to hug until i broke the silence

"daddy am i dead"

"no olive your in a coma"

"w-what, how do i come out"

"only you control that olive, when your ready you return"

he brought me to a white chair and i sat in his lap "olive do you wanna see yourself"

i nodded then he showed me a screen, i was laying on a hospital bed and i had cuts and bruises all over my body, despite this i looked peaceful, i looked closer to my side and i saw jeremiah he was holding my hand and crying, my dad told me that he came to visit me more than anyone.

"do you think jeremiah's the one for me"

"darling thats for you to decide, all i know is when ever hes around he gives us hope"

i smiled then whispered "guardian angel" to myself

i looked back at my dad "daddy are you bye yourself here"

"no babygirl, im with other relatives, do you wanna neet them"

"no i wanna spend time with you"

i leaned back and snuggled into my dads chest while he stroked my hair.

i fell asleep in my dads arms thinking how im gonna wake up.

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