Chapter 31

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Maria P.O.V

I was sitting at home on my bed crying, i wanted to talk to someone, i tried olivia but her phone was off, my parents are no use so i texted isaiah

it was early in the morning but i know he would help me with anything, i waited 10 minutes then i heard a faint knock on the door, i went downstairs and opened it and when i saw isaiah i broke down in his arms, he carried me to my room and locked the door.

he looked concerned "whats the matter mar"

i looked at him and said "what the hell happened to you"

"thats a different story, now tell me whats up"

i managed to say "im pregnant"

he had a smirk on his face, i looked at him confused then said "why are you smirking"

"well im happy"

"what the fuck isaiah"

his face darkened and he said "what do you want me to do, tell you to kill my seed"

i didnt know what to say, me and isaiah are quite sexually active and recently he hasnt been using condom so what did i expect

"look issy im sorry, but i dont know what else to do"

"so what are you saying"

"i dont wanna have it, how would i complete school or get an education"

"maria what has the baby done, im not allowing you to kill my seed, although were young we have to get ready to have a baby because were keeping it"

"its easy for you to say, you dont have to carry it for 9 months"

he looked at me disguisted "listen muthafucker if you decided to kill my bady, stay away from me my family and my friends, that includeds olivia and jeremiah, dont call or text me because i will have nothing to do with you, you murderer"

tears began pouring out my eyes his words cut deep, he had never spoken to me like that, i dont understand why he would want a baby, most boys would encourage me to have an abortion.

isaiah looked at me once more before slamming the door and walking out.

after i thought about it i realised i couldnt let isaiah go he was different and i loved him, i couldnt believe i even thought about killing my own child

i went into my mum and dads room, they were up reading

"mum dad i have something to tell you"

"what darling" my mum said

"im pregnant"

"what do you mean your pregnant, your lucky i dont come over there and beat the shit outta you"

"your a shame" my dad said

i looked at them "your a bunch of hypocrites, before you diss me think about why you left spain, sounds familiar doesnt it, look i just lost isaiah and now im gonna lose you"

my mum looked down but my dad spoke "what do you mean you just lost isaiah"

"we had an argument about the situation"

at this point my mum looked up and spoke "the little shit doesnt want to have any responsibilities"

"no its not like that"

"then whats it like"

i sighed then spoke "i told him i was pregnant and he was happy but when i told him i was planning to have an abortion he went mental and he called me a murderer, he said if i have it never talk to him"

my mum and dad looked at each other then they spoke "look im not happy your pregnant because i didnt want you to experience what i experienced but imagine if we aborted you, we would still be in spain and you wouldnt be here, i hare to admit it but hes 100% right and you cannot kill his child"

"thanks mum and dad"

before i left my mum shouted "dont think i forgot about my rule that we only speak spanish"

i laughed then went to my room and laid on my bed.

Isaiah P.O.V

I rushed home i was so angry how the fuck could she be so selfish, once i got inside i went to my room and slammed the door, i turnt around and olivia was in my room

"why the hell you so loud" she said, she turnt around to walk out but i asked her to talk, she realised i was serious and she looked concerned "wassap issy"

i explained everything that happened and she said "naa marias my girl but she cannot do that"

"but in reality she can"

olivia pulled out her phone and called maria, she went in my ensuite bathroom and spoke for about 40 minutes, she came out and said

"maria thought about it and she told her parents and to be honest they were on your side, she told me to tell you she cannot lose you because she loves you to much and all i can say is IM GONNA BE AN AUNTY"

she started to nae nae and all i could do was laugh at this fool, all my previous anger left me and i was now happy, i was gonna be a father and a good one at that.

"olly i just wanna say, thanks for all your help, you know its nice to have someone to talk to and im glad i found you"

she hugged me and said "what are twins for"

she turnt around and said "you betta tell mama you know"

"ohh shit yeah"

i thought about life and all i could say was im out of the game and im a father all before my 17th birthday.

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