Chapter 30

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Isaiah P.O.V

It was about 7:00am in the morning and i couldnt sleep so i decided to go to the trap, i put on a black tracksuit and a pair of black airmaxes

i silently crept down the stairs and walked out, looking the door behind me, i drove to the trap and once outside i did the secret knock and they let me in.

once inside i saw all my boys at the trap, most of them were smoking or doing dirts with hoes, when i walked in this trick came up to and bit my earlobe, i pushed her off because if i was gonna cheat on maria it wouldnt be with no hoe.

i walked to the back and i knocked on my bosses door, he shouted "come in" so i did

"hey boss"

"how you doin son"

"im alright"

"look i heard about your family situation and thats sone deep shit"

i nodded my head in agreement before i said "boss i came to talk to you about something"

he stopped counting the stacks of money and looked up at me "wassap"

i began nervous but i continued speaking "i've been thinking, i wa-nna call quits"

what i said didnt seem to phase him at all "son ive known you almost all your life and i can read you like a book i knew this was happening soon"

"im sorry man, but my mum just found me and i dont want her to lose me"

"son i understand but do you know what this means"

the thing with being in the game is that if you wanna leave you have to get your ass beat by everybody and i had been preparing myself for that

i nodded "even if i leave can i keep in keep in touch your the only father figure i ever had"

he looked sad but he said "of course"

"so when do you wanna leave"

i hesitated but i said "now"

"that means you have to get banged now and as much as i see you as a son the rules of the game apply and if they get broken then shit will happen"

"i understand"

he called all of the boys and brought me to the dungeon, he explained the situation and they didnt wanna do it so i spoke up

"look you guys were the only things i had since day and even though im leaving the game i will still put my life on the line for you niggas, so just get this shit over with"

my nigga leon spoke "even when this nigga bout to get beat he still getting slick" he said jokingly

i laughed i was gonna miss these niggas

"foreal though hurry up"

after i said that they started beating me, i could tell they were barely hitting me to give me an easy release but that shit still hurt and i was bleeding all over, i looked fucked once i was done.

i couldnt hold any grudges because rules were rules and i seen it happen before so knew what to expect, i know if they could make me leave pain free they would've done it.

before i left the trap i hugged my boss and my main boy leon.

i struggled to walk but i managed to make it to the car


i was in deep pain but i opened the house door and when i came inside my mum and my sister were sitting on the chair, jeremiahs lazy as was probably still in bed, they were up early for a saturday morning so i knew they were worried.

when my mum saw me she ran up to me and started crying "baby what happened"

i hated seeing her crying but i couldnt tell her i just came out the game so i said "i got jumped"

"but what was you doing out so early"

before my mum could get suspicious i said "i couldnt sleep so i went to make cereal and there was no milk, im sorry i didnt get to buy any"

"ohh baby" she said hugging me

at that moment olivia walked in the kitchen and then came out with a full binbag "just taking the rubbish out" she said"

"were going hospital" my mum said

"no mum im fine, can you just clean the cuts and ill go get some rest"

my mum looked hesitant but went to the cabinet and got the things to clean the blood, once she was finished i went upstairs to my room and laid in the bed

the pain was bad but i had experienced worse so i could deal with it, i was staring at the ceiling when olivia walked in and closed the door behind her

"wassap sis" i said

"im fine, i just came to ask are you alright"

"yhh i left the game as i said i would, so thats what happened, but they went easy on me"

"yhh i figured and if thats easy i wouldnt wanna see hard, ohh yh i threw out the milk, when you came up with that pathetic lie"

i laughed and said "thanks sis"

"you better be ready for our birthday in 3 days" i said

"look at you all hurt and all you can think about is our birthday" she said jokingly

"of course its gonna be A1"

she laughed then kissed my forehead before walking out

my phone flashed indicating i had a message, i looked and it said


i couldnt think what she could be talking about but i knew it had to be important.

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