Chapter 15

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*Mature Content*

Isaiah P.O.V

Since olivia's been in a coma, ive visited her nearly everyday shes like my sister and people say we look alike.

today i decided to spend the day with maria because jeremiah was gonna be at the hospital with olivia, i swear hes sprung but shes good for him.

i drove to her house and waited for her, when she came out i opened her door then walked around to the drivers side.

"hey beautiful"

"lool hey issy"

"man why you callin me that"

she laughed then said "where we going"

"its a suprise"

she slyly smirked then got comfortable in the car, eventually she fell asleep, once we reached there i carried her out the car and she woke up in my arms, "issy where are we"

"look for yourself"

after she looked around she hugged me and said "issy this is so sweet".

Maria P.O.V

I woke up in isaiah's arms and asked "issy where are we"

"look for yourself"

i looked around and saw we were on the beach, there was a small table in the centre decorated with candles and a couple roses, the sun was setting and it looked stunning, i hugged him then said "issy this is so sweet"

he carried me to the stool and gently placed me on it.

"issy whats this for"

"i know your stressing over olivia so i wanna take your mind off it"

i nodded as tears formed in the back of my eyes at the thought of olivia, he must've noticed because he made his way to my seat and placed me on his lap "look dont worry shes gonna pull through"

i nodded then he went back to his seat we ate in silence until i said "issy how did you do this"

"i got connections"

i laughed then he looked up nervously "do you like it"

"of course i love it"

he wiped his mouth then looked at me "maria i wanna ask you something"


"look i think im falling for you and i wanna make you mine"

"issy i like you aswell but how do i know that you wont play me"

"if i thought you were some hoe i wouldnt do this for you, i would never play you just trust me"

"ok but if you hurt me i will cut your piece"

"rahhh ma, so does that mean your mine"

"i guess so"

he got up and started dancing

"boy you crazy"

he came towards me and put me on his lap and started kissing my neck, he found my spot and silent moans slipped out, even though i didnt want him to stop i said "issy... stop"

he picked me up and carried me to his car still kissing my neck, he placed me in the seat then drove to his house.

Isaiah P.O.V

I wanted to show maria that i can love her sincerely, i drove to my house and once we got there i went round to the passengers side i opened the door for her, once i closed the car door i carried her upstairs bridal style and placed her gently on the bed.

I turnt down the lights then locked the room door then turnt the radio on which was playing 'Climax'

i made my way to the bed and climbed ontop of her "issy wait, i havent had sex in almost 2 years, when i gave up my virginity to my ex i found out he was cheating on me"

"maria im not having sex with you im making love"

i slowly took her dress off then her bra and panties, i took a moment to slowly admire her, she then took off my shirt and jeans and i took of my boxers.

i laid kisses from her neck to her belly i gently caressed her body, she let out small moans, i lifted her head up and kissed her lips passionately, i placed one finger in to see if she was wet then two, i removed them and put a condom on then placed my tip in her, i slowly deepened inside her until she let out loud moans which turnt me on "your so tight" she flipped me over and started riding me she let out loud moans until she started shaking "issy im coming" i pulled out and she released and i did the same.

she fell back onto my chest and i said "maria i love you"

"issy i love you too"

we got up and took a shower together then fell asleep in each others arms.

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