Kinks & Baby Stories

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"What Draven"

"I have a very important question."

"Well can it wait we're taking a test."

"NO you're taking a test probably the only one in this class left."

"Well i'm sorry I like to make sure i'm right."

"Hurry up then."

I can't believe that he takes this long to take a fucking test. My question is really important I mean it's a stupid question but it's important to me.

"Mr.  i'm done.. What was your question."

"Are you a virgin."

"That's what was so important."

"Yeah now can you answer."

"No i'm not."

"You have any kinks."

"That I will willingly tell you about no."

"I hope you know that I won't give up until I find out."

"Yeah good thing this is last period and I get to go home."


"What you mean nope."

"I have to tutor you remember."

"Ugh fine but we're going to my house I wanna be comfortable when you torture me."

"Well then lets go loser."

The drive to his house was quiet as fuck. I mean maybe he was nervous. He didn't look at me not once during the ride he just looked out the window he was so dazed out he didn't notice that we had pulled up to his house.


"Hmm what happened."

"We're here let's go."

"You'll never figure it out."

"I have two in my mind already lets go."

When we walked in there was a lady and a small child in the living room who i'm guessing is his mom and sister. His sister looked exactly like him she was the cutest little thing I have ever seen.

"Hi mom lily.. This is my friend Draven were going to go study in my room."

"Use a condom."

"Mom stop."

He ran up the stairs like an embarrassed child it was so cute. Wait did i just call him cute what that fuck. I hopped on his bed as soon as we walked into the room trying to ignore my thoughts.  

"Is it a pain kink."

"A what no it's not that"

"Fine take your textbook out"

"What are we doing today"


"But why those are the hardest things"

"There not that hard the key to it is to know how much a mole is.  Do you know how much a mole is?"


"Mole equals 6.02x10^23 keep that in your head forever."

"Do we have to do this now."


"But why we can watch a movie or something."

"What movie."


"I love that movie lets go hurry up."

"Don't rush me women."

"Whatever daddy."

"What did you call me."

"Daddy cause your bossing me around"

"Unless you want me to get on that bed and fuck you till you can't walk I suggest you never call me that again."

"But maybe that's exactly what I want."

The next thing I knew I was laying back on the bed and Alec was kissing my neck. Let me tell you that boy is really good at what he does.

"OMG" He slid his hands up my shirt and cupped my tit. I flipped us around so I was straddling his waist. His hand snaked around my back and unsnapped my bra. I pulled my shirt off and kissed his neck he moved his head down latching onto my tit.

"God Alec." A soon as I finished talking his hand slammed down on my ass.

"What did you call me babygirl."

"Daddy I meant to say daddy."

"You better have princess." I moved my hips closer to his grinding down on him.

"Fuck babygirl keep going."


"Fuck mom." I got off of him and picked up my bra and shirt and started getting dressed.

"Maybe next time nerdboy."

I walked downstairs following behind him one thing I know is I always fuck it up with parents and I don't wanna fuck up with his mom. When we got down stairs his mom was sitting at the table with two place mats directly across from her.

"So how did you two meet."

"We were put in the same chemistry class and the teacher said he was having a little trouble and asked if I could help him."

"I should have guessed, No one in this family has ever been good with science."

"It's not that hard once you get the hang of it. This isn't my first time taking the class."

"Well thanks for helping my baby he's not very smart when he was four he stuck a bead up his nose."

"MOM." Alec yelled turning pink

"That's not that bad when I was younger I drank a whole bottle of perfume."

"You two were made for each other." The rest of the night went by fast. Alec"s mom told story after story about him and the weird stuff he did when he was a baby. She might be the first parent That didn't hate me after meeting me, Overall it was a pretty fun night.

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