Hoe Pics

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Dravens P.O.V


"Ouch babe that really hurt my feelings" Alec turned to show me his fake ass sad face.

"Good now get off of me.  I just wanna get ready to go to shopping."

"But I don't want to leave you."

"Then come with me you fuck."  Alec got off of me with a big smile and sat on the edge of the bed letting me get ready.  

I stripped of my clothes and changed into a cookie monster crop top and a pair of short black overalls with matching black shoes.  I put all my stuff into a cute little bag that matched the outfit and turned to tell Alec it was time to go. When I looked at him he had this weird smirk on his face.

"Aye why you making that face."

"What face i'm not making a face."

"Mkay weirdo so whos driving."

"I'll drive you look to cute to be driving me around."

"That's sexist."

'No it's a compliment if you want to drive you can."

"Ehh now that I think about it I kinda like when you drive me around."

"Okay then shut up."  I smiled at Alec then ran down the stairs and out the front door.

"You know you love me." I taunted him as I got into the car.

"Yeah yeah well I want fries so we're going to make a quick pit stop."

When we pulled up to the drive through Alec ordered 3 large fries and yes I did judge him because that's a lot of fries for one person.  Before I can say something about him being greedy he hands me a whole order of fries.

"Umm I didn't ask for anything."

"Yeah but then your going to ask me for some of mine and I don't wanna share."

"Okay but you have two orders to your self fatty you just cant share."

"Woah there buddy. Did you just fat shame me."

"No I did n" Before I could finish my sentence a hand full of fries were thrown at me.

"Now eat your fries we got places to go."

The drive to the mall was fun and quick. The whole way there Alec had his hand on my thigh drawing shapes and singing to me. Every time I made fun of his singing he threw a fry at my head. When we got to the mall I hopped out the car and ran hearing Alec groan.  So I stopped and waited for him which took a lot of effort cause he is super slow.

"Carry me babe."

"Umm no your heavy."

"Your the one that ate two orders of fries. Now bend down so I can get on your back."

Alec carries me all the way to the first store we went to which was a Victoria secret of course.  They had a new sale going how could I not buy something. Then we went into forever 21 because I needed some new skirts.  I grabbed three skater skirts one in a pale blue, pink, and burgundy and went to try them on. I gave Alec my phone and bag and left him alone to sit on the bench outside.

After trying on the second curtain I heard the curtain opening and looked up to see Alec standing there with my phone in his hand.

"What happened nerd boy." I laughed but Alec stayed serious and walked in closing the curtain behind him.  He lifted my phone to my face to show me what he was looking at which just so happened to be my gallery.

"Who you taking all these photos for babygirl."

"No one but myself."

"You know you should send me these sometime. The could come in handy for some personal activities."

"Soo your telling me you want these photos so you can jerk off you creep." Suddenly I was pushed up against the wall and his hard on was rubbing right against my thigh.

"You see what you do to me baby girl." He looked back down at my phone and swiped to a picture of me on my hands and knees

"You gunna let me fuck you like that."

"No you weirdo." I don't know why I said that cause my mind was chanting YES YES YES.

"Don't lie to me baby. Your lucky were in public."

"What ever go sit back down you annoying ass."

"I might be annoying but you still wanna suck my dick." He said smirking and leaving the dressing room.

I tried on the last skirt then went to go pay for all of my items. While I waited on line I sent Alec some pics from my gallery so he'll have something to get off to later. After that Alec practically dragged me to the food court and sat at a table.

"Why did you make me come here."

"So we can talk duhh I want to learn more about you."

"Ask and I shall answer."

"Umm what do you wanna do when you grow up."

"I wanna work with animals just anything but a vet because I definitely don't wanna do like surgerys that scares me.  What about you."

"I wanna be a elementary school teacher. Little kids are the best."

"That's adorable you nerd." I said laughing lightly. I honestly thought it was cute though.

"Yeah yeah laugh it up all you want." The questions went back and forth for a while before we decide it was time to leave.


"Yes baby girl."

"Can we get food."

"Actual food or snacks."

"SNACKS." I yelled jumping up and down. Alec smiled at me and continued to drive to target

We pulled into the parking lot and before the car could fully stop I was already unbuckled and running out the door for the second time today. I grabbed a cart and rolled down the aisle while Alec walked behind me.

We walked down the snack aisle and I grabbed Twizzlers, skittles and some chips and as I  was putting the chips in the cart I felt a pair of arms slid around my waist.

"So I feel like it's been a while since we've been on a date maybe we should go on another date sometime soon maybe tomorrow."

"You see I would but I already have a date." Alec's eyes turned darker with anger.

"With who" he said clenching his jaw.

"My bed." I burst out in laughter because his reaction was just to funny.

"That wasn't funny Princess. I'm going to have to punish you for that."

"I'd like to see you try baby." I walked away turning to see a dumbfounded Alec. I winked at him and went off to pay for my stuff.

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