My Favorite Psycho

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I fucked up this was supposed to go up yesterday and my brain just wasn't working at all.


I can't believe I did that. I mean well I can because as everyone knows i'm a lowkey a hoe. But that's besides the point, I was so close to giving it up today. He was just so dominant and sexy and ugh. What girl wouldn't be turned on by that. He was rough without being to rough and it just felt so good. I mean yeah im a hoe but I don't fuck everyone, maybe suck a dick here and there but that's about it. I'm not a virgin everyone knows that even though I do wish I lost it to someone who wasn't a complete dick.

Everything after that was just weird as fuck. His mom was nice and all but it felt so weird being around her. I've never been a meet the parents type and I did just get kinda freaky with her son. I loved being at their house though and when I left I was happy as fuck. Little did I know when I got home it was going to be horrible. I walked into the door to find all the lights on all around the house but I know I left them off.

"Draven." Fuck fuck fuck fuck when did she get home. "Come to the kitchen please." I walked to the kitchen as slow as I possibly could.

"Hi mom whats going on?" I asked anxiously.

"Where have you been huh?" My mom asked looking angry.

"I was out with a friend"

"Is this friend a boy."

"Yeah. Is there something wrong with that."

"What were you doing huh. Being a hoe I bet you were fucking him."

"You can't do that mom. You can't leave for a fucking month and then come in here and accuse me of shit that isn't even true. For your information I was tutoring him because he needs help."

"Watch your language young lady."

"Ill watch my fucking language when I get my real mother back." I ran out of there ready you punch someone in the throat. Like who does she think she is coming in here yelling at me about shit that I didn't do. Ugh I grabbed a book bag and filled it with some clothes grabbed my keys and left.

"Where do you think you're going young lady"

"Somewhere i'm appreciated." I left before she could say something else to me. I got to Imogen's house way faster than expected. I knocked impatiently and within no time Imogen's dad came to the door.

"My favorite psycho is here"

"Hey it's been a while I missed you."

"You haven't missed much. Alison got dumped and then moved out."

"Not to sound rude but there relationship sucked and she was what 20 something it was time for her to leave."

"You are very right anyway the other psycho is upstairs."

"Okay. See you later dad." I said before running up the stairs. When I opened the door Imogen was curled up on the floor like a cat.

"Why are you on the floor."

"I wanted to know if I could sleep like a cat."

"But don't you hate cats."

"Yeah. But that's not the point, why are you here?"

"Cause my bitch of a mom came home today."

"Ohh how did that go."


"Draven calm down it's okay."

"No she leaves for so long and then comes home and pretends to know me she was never there for me she doesn't even know about him and what he did to me cause she wasn't there she was in Brazil."

"I know honey I know. How about we go downstairs eat ice cream and watch your favorite movies we'll invite Cara and everything."

"I almost had sex with him."

"What with who."


"You must be really comfortable with him. You've never almost fucked someone that fast unless you were drunk."

"I know but he's sweet to me and he's really hot like fuck his face have you seen him without a shirt. It's enough to make any girl wet."

"Ohh it sounds like someone's crushing."

"Shut up no i'm not I don't do crushes."

"What's your favorite part of him."

"His eyes."

"His eyes are brown just like everyone else's your crushing just get over it."

"Omg I like him. How do I stop."

"You don't go for it. I mean the last person you dated was a complete asshole. Why not go for someone who can make you happy."

As soon as I opened my mouth to reply Imogen's dad ran in and put a bug in front of my face.

"OMG WHAT IS THAT." I screamed moving across the room.

"I don't know but it looks cool doesn't in. Imogen get me a cup."

"God you're so fucking weird dad." Imogen said running out the room to get him a cup.

I sat as far away as possible from them because they figured that the bug was the coolest thing ever. God I picked the weirdest people to hang out with but it's okayy cause I love them.

"Imogen can you stop fucking around with the bug for a second....Did you invite Cara."

"Yeah she said she would be here fast so I give it a minute before the door rings." Right after she said that I heard the door go off.

"It's open." Imogen yelled. Cara ran upstairs and jumped on the bed.

"So bitches why am I here."

"Where having a girls night dad get out." Imogen said

"So what happened?" Cara said with a smile and I repeated everything I said before there was an ugly bug in my face.

"Guys I got a question." Imogen stated with a worried expression

"What happened?"

"Do you think Cam likes me like not in a fuck me way in a I wanna start a relationship way."

"Why is that even a question you are his literal weakness."

"I think imma break up with Adrian."

"Aww that's sad but Cam that's a nice piece of ass he going to fuck you right." I yelled. The rest of the night was spent watching transformers and 50 shades of grey all we thought about dick because we're teenagers so why not.

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