Fuck College

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Guys im sorry this chapters a bit shorter than the other ones. Its just with school starting and it being my last year theres a lot of work and fucking pressure and I forget to write sometimes.  I also have the attention span of a goldfish so that probably doesn't help.

College College College. Why is that what everyone wants to talk about all the fucking time. Are you going to college? What are you going to do in college? Have you looked up colleges yet? Where are you going to apply? How about you just shut the fuck up and leave me alone.

"Draven Ms.Day wants you in her office." Her real name isn't Ms.Day but she's just like Jessica fucking day from new girl so that's what everyone decides to call her. How the fuck is one person so happy about everything it just logically doesn't make sense. When I got to her office she was sitting there with the biggest smile on her face.

"Hey Draven how are you doing today."


"Well I called you here today because I wanted to talk to you about college and your options."

"Do you know your SAT score?"

"Yeah I got a 1050 not amazing but it's something."

"Are you going to take it again cause if you do they combine your best scores and use that."

"No i'm fine with what I have."

"Okay well do you know what you want to do?"


"Have you looked up any colleges yet?"

"Yeah but i'm not really sure about anything yet."

"Okay well i'm going to print out some information for you and we can talk about financial aid."

"I don't qualify for any of the programs."

"Well how much does your dad make."

"My mom makes over 100,000 a year and i'm the only child she has to pay for so i don't qualify."

"Umm okay well theres.."

"I don't wanna be rude but I kinda need to go."

I got up and ran out of the room as fast as possible. I hate talking about college it doesn't help my anxiety at all.

"Aye Draven where are you going." I looked back at Alec and kept walking to the bathroom. I bust through the door and ran into the last stall not bothering to close it because no one was in here and Alec was probably going to follow me anyway. I slid down onto the floor and felt everything start.

"Draven why didn't you answer me." Alec said walking into the stall I was in. He looked down at me with a shocked expression and sat by me and hugged me.

"Are you okayy you're shaking whats wrong."

"College. I fucking hate it."

"Baby calm down it's okay." Alec layed my head on his lap and starting rubbing my back in a soothing way. After about 15 minutes of doing that I finally calmed down enough to sit up.

"Do you wanna tell me what happened."

"College happened. A year or two ago people started pressuring me about college because my brothers in college. Draven you gotta do this you have to do that, it eventually got to me and every time I thought about college or having to do things completely on my own I started getting panic attacks."

"I'm sorry you had to go through all of that. You don't have to go to college if you don't want to."

"That's the crazy part I really do want to but it scares the fuck outta me to know i'm going to be completely alone. Theres going to be nobody there to help me to motivate me and I need that."

"I'll be there for you."


"Be my girlfriend."

"You're joking right?"

"No I'm not.. Draven Sky will you be my girlfriend?"


"Okayy then come on lets go somewhere."

"Where are we going to go."

"Well it is friday let's go on a little road trip."


"Yeah we can go pack a bag and i'll drive."

"I don't think I trust you with my baby that much."

"That's okayy I got my own. I got it yesterday that's what I was going to tell you before you ran off."

When we got out of the building we went into our own cars. He made me leave first because he wanted to surprise me when he picked me up later. Fuck what am I supposed to pack maybe I should change into something more sexy. You never know where the nights heading.

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