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After packing for 30 minutes I heard a knock at my front door.

"I'm coming give me a second."

I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs. When I opened the door Alec was standing there with the biggest smile on his face. Before I could say anything he grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door. In my driveway was a matte black wrangler unlimited and my love for these cars was insane.

"Oh my god I FUCKING LOVE IT."

"And I got another surprise for you. I called Imogen and Cara and I invited them to come with us. We are going to drive out to this campsite that's 3 hours away I believe."

"You are honestly the best boyfriend ever.  I want to drive alone with you tho so i'm going to  take my car to Imogen's and bring Khaos so he doesn't have to be home alone i'm pretty sure her dad will watch him then can we start the journey."

The drive was pretty long and quiet but it was a comfortable silence so it didn't bother me.  Halfway through the drive Alec grabbed my hand and put it up to his lips giving it a quick peck. The rest of the car ride he held my hand and ran his thumb up and down it in a soothing motion.  When we pull up the campsite is beautiful there is a fire pit in between three tents.

"Soo each couple gets their own tent. So much can go wrong." I mutter under my breath.

We set up all of our stuff and picked out the tents we wanted and started the fire.

"So guys are we getting high or nah." Imogen yelled across the fire.

"I don't know. I mean you think nerd boy will be up to it." I said smirking at Alec.

"Ohh baby you don't know the half of it whose rolling up." Alec questioned

Cam rolled up three blunts and handed one to Alec and Cara which by the way I feel some type of way about why the fuck didn't I get it first.

"Draven why I feel like that car can make you cum more than Alec." Cam says laughing at Alec.

"Because it can." I turned and snatched the blunt from Alec took a pull and winked at him.

When I looked over Imogen was already walking to the tent with cam making out like if their lips would run away if they ever stopped. I leaned into Alec and he smiled down at me. When I looked back at Lacey she had her face buried in Cara's shirt but from what I could see her face was bright red. I guess that's why she wears skirts. Apparently Alec knew what was going on cause like the creep he was I felt him getting hard behind me like the little hoe he is.  


"Wow shes loud. Come on Alec lets go." I pulled Alec up and pushed him to our tent.

"Seems like you have a little problem there big guy."

"Are you just going to talk about or are you going to fix it princess."

"What do you want... Daddy?"

"You're going to be a good princess and come over here and fix Daddy's problem."

I slowly dropped down to my knees and looked up at him through my eyelashes. I moved my hands up to his cock slowly and rubbed him through his pants.

"Don't tease me princess."

I unbuckled his pants and pulled everything down as fast as I could. I grabbed his dick and licked from the bottom all the way to the tip.

"Come on, suck it baby."

I brought my lips to the tip and ran my tongue over it. Slowly I took all of him into my mouth and sucked as much as I could. He pulled my hair into a makeshift ponytail and started fucking my mouth. I moaned around his dick making him go crazy.

"Fuck baby, you like it when daddy fucks your mouth don't you."

I hummed yes and kept sucking as fast as he wanted me to. Within a couple of minutes I felt his dick twitch and his warm seed was shot down my throat. I was forced to swallow it all but I can't really complain Because it didn't taste that bad.

"You wanna go back outside."

"Yes I saw a huge rock that I want to lay on we can see if everyone else wants to come."

I walked out and everyone was already sitting by the fire like if nothing ever happened.

"Hey y'all wanna go lay on that rock over there." I said pointed in the direction of the rock. Come to think of it the rock kinda looks like Pride Rock.

"Can we bring drinks." Cara asked

"Duh can you imagine it without drinks."

We walked to the rock and laid on the hard ground and watched the dark sky and the twinkling stars. Cam came out with the raw roll up papers and weed bags and a two bottles of vodka and everyone grabbed what they wanted most of them made their blunts and me and Imogen grabbed the vodka and took turns drinking. The burn in our throats made us feel alive.

"Does anyone know what college they want to go to because I have no fucking clue." Imogen asked

"I'm not going i'm going to work the poles." I said with the most serious face

"Okay but what's your stripper name going to be." Cam said laughing


"Why skittles?"

"Cam stop fucking questioning everything. And because I know people want to taste this rainbow."

"I can taste the rainbow from here and it taste soo good." Alec mumbled "I can be a stripper with you. They can call me pumpkin pie....nah I got a better one they can call me MEOW right all caps and I can put whiskers on my dick." Everyone burst out laughing at Alec.

"Whats funny tho. I'm serious im going to wear a g-string then imma touch my nipples right. Then i'm going to climb to the top of the pole land lean back right and finally i'll land in a split for everyone."

"Why do you have this more planned out than me i'm the girl." I said laughing at Alec.

"You don't have you entrance planned out."


At this point everyone is in tears if there's a best way to end the night it is definitely laughing.

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