Who's Better

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"DRAVEN" Alec yelled running down the hall pushing everyone in his way.

"Yes nerd boy."

"When are you going to stop calling me that."

"When I stop thinking you're a nerd. What did you want?"

"I'm going to that party and you're going to be my date."

"And what makes you think that nerd boy."

"Ohh I don't think princess I know." he said walking into his class.

Wow someone's getting really cocky. I don't know if I like it or love it anyway if he thinks i'm leaving my girls he's crazy maybe he can have one dance and just one.  Classes went by extremely fast with Imogen being excited for the party and Cara being Cara there wasn't a dull moment today.

"Aye imogen?"


"Is Adrian coming to the party."

"I don't know I broke up with him last night but imma go talk to Cam are yall coming."

"Nah but she will be" Cara whispered in my ear making me choke on my spit (something that happens quite frequently around these two.)

Cam was sitting in the lunchroom by himself scrolling through his phone. As soon as we got in front of him he looked up at us and you can tell he wasn't ready for what was going to happen.

"What you guys want?"

"Me and Cara don't want anything but Imogen wants to talk to you."

"What you want Imogen?"

"Are you coming to the party."

"Nah imma go home and sleep this school is annoying."

"But please come for me."

"Umm I don't know." Imogen sat next to him and whispered something in his ear and I don't know what she said but that was the fastest i've ever seen a man change his mind. He walked away with the biggest smile on her face.

"Umm what did you say to Cam."

"Nothing crazy I just told him I would dance with him and he can touch me where ever he wants."

"Omg you are a little freak!" Cara yelled looking like she just seen a ghost

"Well guys let's start decorating the djs going to be here in 30 and this place has to be ready in two hours. We need streamers everywhere and candy where it belongs. Where are all the mardi gras beads?"  

After decorating for two hours and fighting about what goes where and how things should look people started to show up so we ran to the bathroom to get changed.  When we went back there was kids dancing and everybody looked like they were having a good time so my works done.  I looked around and saw Unicorn, Cam and Alec standing in the corner talking to each other.  Me and the girls walked over there with a plan in our heads.

"Imogen go dance with Cam. Cara dance with Alec."

"But aren't yall..." Cara started saying with a worried face

"Don't question it just do it."


I walked over to Unicorn and grabbed his hand pulling him to the center of the dance floor. Cara and Imogen did the same thing with there guys. I turned my back to Unicorn and started dancing. He moved his hand down my body slowly till he was on my hip and then he pulled me closer to him so that my ass was right against his crotch. Our bodies moved in sync to the song and when I looked up Alec was staring right at me. Unicorn his head down to the crook of my neck, his breath fanned across my collarbone sending chills across my body. The song stopped and I moved away from him and saw Alec glaring at me which is just what I wanted. I walked to the candy table and looked at all the candy that was there and was suddenly yanked back into someones chest.

"You trying to make me jealous princess." Alec whispered in my ear.

"Why did it work." I said in my most innocent voice.

"We're leaving." He said angry.

"And where are we going."

"My house my mom's not home till Sunday." After he said that he snatched my keys out of my pocket (so disrespectful). He grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the school into the parking lot. He eventually found my car, he only had to put it in panic mode. The next thing I knew we were in his house and flying up the stairs. He pushed open the door and threw me onto the bed.

"You really think that he could do better than me."

"Well yeah I mean i've seen all of that and it's amazing."

"Nothing compared to me baby girl. You have been so bad today I think you need a spanking." Before I could say anything he had me flipped and bent over his leg. His hand crashed down on my ass he repeated this action 4 more times before he began to rub my ass as if trying to sooth it. He sat me up and lifted my face so I was at eye level with him. He started at me for a while before kissing me lightly.

"You think he can give you the pleasure that I can."

"Yes." As soon as I said that he flipped me on my back. His hands grabbed my shirt and pulled it off of me so that my chest was exposed. He bent down and kissed me roughly his hand slowly made it's way up to my chest and palmed my tit.  His hand slid behind my back and unclipped my bra and slowly pulled my straps down my shoulders. He started kissing down my body, one on my jaw, two on my neck, one on my collarbone and then my breast. He latched his mouth around my nipple and pulled at the other one. He stopped everything and pulled off my skirt and panties.  

"Fuck you're so wet princess. You're literally glistening." He swiped his finger down my slit making my head fall back in ecstasy.  I tensed when I felt the heat of his mouth against me. His tongue rolled against me like I was the best thing he ever tasted. I let out a choked moan when he took clit between his lips and moved his tongue against me roughly. After doing this for a while he moved back up and kissed me making me taste myself which wasn't bad. While we were kissing I felt his hand trail down my body and it stopped suddenly two fingers were plunged into me. I gasped into his mouth and tangled my hands into his hair.

"Fuck Alec moved faster." All movements were stopped and he just started at me.

"What did you call me."

"Daddy I meant to say daddy."

"Good girl." He started moving his hands faster than they were going before.

"Oh god daddy mmm i'm gunna cum" It didn't take long till I was overwhelmed with pleasure as soon as I came down from my high I felt Alec's tongue on me again.

"You taste so good baby. Now tell me who makes you feel better."

"You do daddy." I said yawning. Alec took off all his clothes so that he was just in his boxers and crawled onto the bed. He pulled me to his chest and started playing with my hair.


"You know the last time I came over here I saw you."

"Saw me what."

"I saw you jerk off to me....Ohh Draven fuck." I mimicked his words from the other day.

"Good that's so embarrassing."

"Well you can't do anything worse... maybe"

"You are right....so let me take you on a date some time"

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