Last Chance

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When I woke up I was still in my dress from last night except my shoes. Thank the lort Alec took those off I would have probably stabbed my leg in my sleep. I peeled off my dress walking to the bathroom and turning on the shower. Once the water was hot enough I stood under the stream and let it massage my back and god did it feel amazing. After being in there for an hour I got out put on some pjs and went down stairs to get some breakfast. When I got there my mom was at the table drinking coffee and looked like she was in deep thought.

"Hey ma." as soon as the words came out her head whipped up like I scared her.

"Ohh hi Draven I didn't hear you coming down the stairs. Can we talk for a minute."

"About what." My mom hasn't said anything nice to me for a while and I don't know if i'm scared or not.

"I just wanted to say that i'm sorry."

"For what exactly theres a lot for you to be sorry for."

"And that exactly what i'm apologizing for I'm sorry for not being there for you. I'm sorry that i'm always saying something mean. I know I haven't been a very good mother for a long time after you father left I just hated the world but seeing you with that boy yesterday it made me realized how much i've missed and that it was all my fault. It's just so much for me  and you aren't the easiest kid to handle you never were. And then your brother left and I had no help but I promise that i'm gunna try from now on. I don't care how long it takes for you to like me again i'm not gunna quit. I'm done caring about your dad and what other people think of me I just want my kids back and i'm going to do everything I possibly can. Also for the next month i'm going to be working from home so that I can be around you more." By the time she finished she was sobbing. I walked up to her and hugged her for a while before I let go.

"Mom I don't hate you. I mean yeah you're a big bitch sometimes but I can't hate you because you didn't leave you stood her for us even if you didn't know what to do. Imma show you something I got a little less than a year ago I would have gotten it earlier but it was hard to find someone willing to do it for me. Anyway don't get mad at me." I lifted up my shirt to show her the first tattoo I got.

"Is that my birthday."

"Yup I have always had my heart set on getting an anchor as my first tattoo to show that I didn't need to have someone to help me that I can do fine on my own. But then I talked to Jaxon l realized that as horrible as you might be sometimes you are the most important person in my life besides Jaxon."

"I'm sorry I haven't been there for you baby."

"It's okay mom but this is your last chance don't mess it up"

"So how long have you known this boy."

"Honestly for like three months."

"He must be really nice."

"He is."

"Why don't you invite him to dinner sometime I would love to know the boy dating my daughter."

"It's just been one date it's nothing serious yet."

"It doesn't matter I still want to meet him."

"Fine i'll talk to him later." Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I walked to the door opening it to see Imogen and Cara.


"Hey sexy" They said in unison pushing me out the way and walking into the house.

"Why yall here."

"Cause i'm pretty sure you have food and we don't so we boom here we are." Imogen said

"I just came to play with Khaos."

"Well then I guess I should just leave yall alone because none of you are here for me."

"NO." They both screamed


"We came here because we missed you."

"Well I got netflix and just dance and food and pillows and blankets."

"Okay so this is the order just dance and then we're going to build the pillow fort and finally watch a movie. Also do you have Christmas lights."

"What do you need Christmas lights for."

"So I can put it up in the fort duh."

"Can we watch stuck in love I heard that it was a good movie." Cara says

"Yeah imma go get the game going and ya can get all the pillows and blankets from upstairs."


After playing games for two hours and watching two movies we sat in the tent and just started talking.

"So how did your date with Alec go."

"It was pretty amazing."

"Ohh tell me all about it girl." Cara said waving her finger around.

"Well he took me to his uncle's boat and we had dinner which was amazing because as fancy as everything was we ate big macs and then we talked and talked for hours. He told me about him and his family and he was just the perfect gentleman. He carried me upstairs and put me in bed though he didn't get me undressed i'm just going to say it was out of respect. And I don't know what he said to my mother but she's acting different now and it's not in a bad way."

"That all sounds amazing."

"Yeah any was Cara how are you and that girl doing I can't remember her name."

"Lacey and were doing amazing. I asked her to go on a date yesterday."

"Aww thats so cute." Imogen said with the biggest smile on her face ever.

"How are you and Cam doing."

"Well were not dating but theres something going on we made out a few times and he took me out yesterday but nothing's official." My phone started ringing out of nowhere scaring the shit out of all of us.


"Hey beautiful."

"Hello nerd boy."

"What you doing."

"Hanging with the girls"

"That sounds fun I just wanted to call to ask if you had a good night yesterday."

"It was the best night of my life. Listen I can't really talk right now but my mom wanted to know if you wanted to come to dinner."

"Of course when."

"Umm is Tomorrow good for you nerd boy? "

"Stop calling me that and yes."

"Good be here around 5."before he could say anything else I hung up.

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