Behind Closed Doors

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"Omg Draven Your birthday is in 2 days." Cara yelled

"Fuck my birthday we still have this whole party to plan." I don't know what our principle is on but she wanted us to throw a party and I don't throw wack parties. I've put in blood and sweat to get everything done. Between ordering all the decorations and candy and booking djs and shit I swear i'm going to die.

"Draven stop worrying about the party i'll finish everything. You're turning 18 bitch be excited." Imogen said snatching the laptop away from me.

"Your lucky all of us are stuck here in the 17 zone for a couple more months." Cara pouted

"Aww it's okayy you little bean. This party is going to be awesome it's basically a birthday party for me so now my house doesn't have to get trashed."

"Preach." They yelled in unison. We walked down the hall into the classroom of the best teacher ever.

"Sup Erin."

"Nothing what you girls doing." She said never looking up

"Tryna figure out the rest of this shit for the party."

"Hey I have a question have you like ever wanted to fuck a student." Imogen yelled

"Well yeah some of these kids are fucking hot but I also like getting money so I don't but it does lead to me going home and having weird dreams. Why?"

"Well this one over here wants to fuck Cam so I guess that's the reason." Cara said laughing

"Huh I would say go for it He's only like 5 years older which isn't so bad. He's also not going work here next year when yall graduate he's done yall are his last class."

"Look at that Imogen you can ride his dick into the sunset just don't get caught." I laughed she looked so embarrassed her face was bright red.

"Well guys I gotta go I have to tutor nerd boy."

"Bye bitch." I rushed to my car and went straight to Alecs house cause I was late as fuck. When I got there his mom let me in and I went upstairs to his room but before I could get to it noises stopped me. I slowly walked to his room and pushed the door open a little so that he wouldn't notice.  I peeked in through the crack and Alec was sitting at the edge of the bed with his pants around his ankles stroking himself and might I say that might have been the biggest dick i've seen so far.

"Mmm Draven." The sound of his voice alone was enough to make me wet there is nothing sexier than a guy moaning. Alec stroked faster his head tilting back in pleasure.

"Fuck... Oh Fuck......Fuuuck Draven." And with that last moan he came all over his hand. I closed the door back up and walked back down the hall to make it seem like I just got here.  

"You ready to study nerd boy." I yelled before walking back to the room. When I opened the door he was spread out on the bed like if nothing ever happened.

"What we doing today."

"Umm I don't know what do you wanna do"

"Not study."

"Ugh you never want to study."

"Cause studying sucks."

"Well what do you wanna do."

"We can pick up where we left of the last time you were here."

"Or heres an idea we can not do that and do something else. Are you going to the school party."

"Umm I don't know probably not."

"So you're going to just miss my birthday?"

"I'll think about going. Let's play a game."

"What game and is there alcohol."

"Never have I ever and sure."

"I'm in where's the liquor."  

"I have a bottle in the mini fridge." I ran to the fridge and grabbed the liquor. Oh my god it's vodka i'm so hype vodka understands me.

"Okayy nerd boy you start."

"Never have I ever got off in public." Dammit there goes one shot.

"That's not right I shouldn't be drinking the game just started. Umm Never have I sent nudes." He looks at me with an angry face and takes a shot.

"Nerd boys a lil freak."

"Ohh shush it was just once. Never have I ever used a household object to masturbate." I grilled him and he laughed at me.

"No way what did you do."

"Well once i've used a pillow and then maybe a remote."

"Well damn." This game went on for an hour and by the end of it I was drunk off my ass.  I Guess Alec took me home cause his innocent ass barely drank.  But I know I woke up in my own bed.

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