Bedtime Secrets

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A couple days out in the middle of nowhere was just the thing I needed. Now back to the shit hole of a school I go to with dumbass people.


"Nope I never do and I don't see why I should start now." I heard Alec laugh in the back while my government teacher just looked at me in disbelief.

"Take your work and go to Santana's office now."

"With pleasure" I packed my bag and wink at Alec before I left the room. Going to Santana's isn't really a punishment she loves me and lets me do whatever. When I walk into her office I see that Imogen is already there and sitting at the table with Tomas.

"Sup sexy why are you here?" I ask Imogen as I sit.

"Well see what had happened was.." Tomas starts.

"Not you, you little dick ass motherfucker."

"Oh really you really think my dick small."

"Yes I do now Imogen why are you here."

"Fucking trig teacher was being a bitch to everyone so I walked the fuck out cause I was gunna punch her ass."  Me and Imogen were talking until I felt a tap on my shoulder and when I looked to the side I was greeted by a dick pic.

"Wtf Tomas."

" I don't have a little dick so think about that the next time you wanna say some shit."

"Imma think about that when I get off tonight." Imogen whispered making me burst out in laughter.

"Aye little dick send that pic to Imogen."

"Why send it to her when she can get the real thing whenever she wants." Tomas said winking at her. Just in time my knight in shining armor came to save me.

"Draven what you doing right now."

"Umm nothing I have like no plans at all."

"Good come to my house so we can watch a movie and cuddle."

"Okayy I will meet you there."

"Or you can drive with me and I will drive you to school tomorrow morning."

"Or I will meet you there."

"But thats not whats gunna happen i'm going to drive you and pick you up in the morning." I heard Imogen giggle behind me and turned to see her on Tomas' lap as they watched us argue.

"Fine babe." I said grabbing his hand and pulling him down the halls.

The drive to his house was the most silent ten minutes of my life. I can't believe he undermined my authority. I wanna be pissed but it was kinda hot. Jesus i sound so weird right now.

"So what movie you wanna watch."

"Umm anything really I watch it all except zombies I think there fucking dumb and not scary at all."

"So you don't watch walking dead."

"Oooh I watch that but that's the only thing I can do with zombies everything else is completely dumb."

We walk in and he sets up the sofa makes popcorn and put the movie to play. Half way through the movie he puts his hand in my shirt and starts tracing patterns into my stomach. I turned to face him and see him deep in thought.

"What you thinking about." I say putting my hand up to touch his face. I sweep my thumb across his cheek and he leaned into my touch.

"Why are you such a bad girl."

"Because I have to be."

"But you don't though you do it cause you want to be."

"No I do it so that nobody can hurt me. If you don't care you can't get hurt so that's what I do."

"But I know you still care and no one wants to hurt you."

"Everyone says that but do they really mean it."

"You have friends that love you and don't judge you they accept you, and I would never judge you for anything you do. I mean in the past couple of months you have gotten me to do things I would never normally do. We will never judge you."

"How do I know that."

"Cause I promise for as long as you are mine I will never judge you."

"Not even if I turn nerdy and put on them big circle glasses and dye my hair back to brown."

"You do that and I just might have to fuck you into the sofa." I laugh at him for being so silly. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a cute little ring in the shape of a crown.

"Whats this"

"A promise ring. I promise to stand by your side no matter what and to never judge you. I always will be there for you."

 "I don't know what you doing to me but god keep doing it." I look at him and give him a peck on the lips. Such a small gesture but to me it felt like my whole world stopped. I looked at him with the dumbest smile.

"Want to hear a secret."

"Sure." He laughed

"I'm scared of trains and fire."

"Why those specifically."

"So when I was a kid I fell in the gap between the train and the platform twice and they also just don't seem safe I mean theres a lot of weight for those little tracks. And I don't know why the fire, one day my mom was turning on the lighter by my face and I had a panic attack but it's weird cause I love playing with fire. I guess it's only when i'm not in control of the fire."

"Okayy my turn. Is it weird that I like to get my nipples pinched?" I burst into a fit of laughter.

"Not weird at all just the most random thing ever. I like that I can be open with you."

After watching three more movies I realized it was pretty late and I didn't want to go home.

"Alec." I whispered poking his face lightly

"Yes princess."

"I don't want to go home."

"Well I would say you can stay here but you have nothing to wear tomorrow."

"I'll shower in the morning and I can wear your clothes"

"What about panties."

"I just won't wear any." I say winking at him

"Well it seems like you got this all worked out come on let's go to bed." As he gets up I just sit up on the sofa until he looks back at me.

"Why aren't you getting up??"

"Carry me." I say putting my arms up. He picks me up and places me on his hip like a baby and carries me upstairs. He gently lays me on the bed and takes off my socks and pants leaving me in just my shirt. He move back to take off his pants and shirt before he climbs into the bed pulling me against. After a couple minutes I hear light snores coming from him and I turn slowly so I don't wake him up. He looks so peaceful in his sleep.

"Wanna hear a secret. I think i'm starting to love you." I say as quiet as possible before falling asleep in his arms.

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