Chapter 6: Passing Time

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~ Charlotte's POV ~

I watched Jackie walk out with her girlfriend Shay, if I heard the name correctly. I looked down and went back to my work.

"So... How have you been Amber." I started.

"Good. I've been good. How's San Diego? I really miss that place."

"It's been nice, everything is still the same, like old times..." I smiled. "...I bet, since you and Jackie have been best friends ever since elementary school, you know about everything going on right now."

She sighed, "yeah... But I seriously can't stand that girlfriend of hers."

Now she got my attention, I spun my chair to face her and not my computer, "what do you mean?"

"She's been on her tail all day today." Amber said. "She looks and acts more needy than ordinary..." I rose an eyebrow at her, "I told you, I really dislike her."

"I can see that."

"So... I was meaning to ask her, but her wanted girlfriend decided to show up and take her away from our hang out time, I'll ask you, since you two are mainly... Hopefully in the same boat." She said and looked at me, directly into my eyes, "Did you two talk about Friday night, after sixth period?"

"She told you about that night?" I asked.

"Well yeah, she told me about the dinner that you asked her to that Monday, after the crazy phase she had gone through of 'I saw Charlotte, like the Charlotte we've known ever since our childhood' and then she called me to pick her up that Friday night." Amber said, keeping a straight face the entire time.

I sighed, "Yeah, we talked about it. I just apologized and everything. I didn't know what's gotten into me that caused me to act like this..."

"It means, you decided to accept her after all the years of feelings she's had for you... She wanted you to feel the same way, Charlotte... You finally accept her, and I bet, feel the same way that Friday, like she did a year ago, the only difference was by now during this time, it got you thinking how ridiculous it was and realized she had moved on... Or attempted to move on... She's trying not to hurt you nor herself."

"Was it that noticeable?" I asked, she basically just read me completely.

"No, I've known you for so long, which does make a difference." Amber said.

I sighed, "I guess you're right." I ran my hand through my hair. "This is probably not any of my business... But I would like to know how honest she's been to me... How long has she had a girlfriend? When she said it Friday night, it sounded like an excuse to escape into the car."

Amber was silent for a while... she then sighed, "...Ever since she started school last year." She said. "They've been together ever since, which is why I don't approve because I dislike the girl, but whatever, she can figure it out herself and see how much of a bitch her girlfriend is and can be, but whatever, it's not my place to say... And sorry about the language."

"It's alright... I'll keep an eye out," I said.

"Thanks, 'cause she doesn't believe my words and will think I'm over exaggerating." Amber said, "Alright, I have homework, and I'll let you get home." Amber smiled. "I'll see you sometime around Charlotte."

"Bye Amber." I said and watched her leave.

I shook off the thought of her girlfriend and grabbed my things, locking my door and heading out to my car. I decided to head to the store and buy some food on the way home. When I had arrived, I grabbed a basket to buy a few things. Buying a few boxes of pasta.

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