Chapter 56: New School Year

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~ Charlotte's POV ~

It's been two months.... and I'm continuing another day at Roosevelt High. Letting out a breath, I fixed my blazer and walked out of the teacher's restroom and went back to my class.

I feel like I've lost contact with Jackie, we haven't talked or texted, nor called in anyway ever since she left. She never texted me back, she never returned my calls. I still don't know where she is, or what college she went to. Sucks, that I couldn't keep staring at the divorce papers. I sighed them and they finalize it all about a month ago. Even though nothing had changed, still Ms. Evans to everyone since I never took the marriage title or Jackie's last name. It's like this marriage thing never happened.

Walking into my classroom, same old classroom, I just decided to add a few posters on the wall, but beside that, everything is still the same. Nothing was moved. I feel busier, don't know how, since I have the same classes as last year, just in a different schedule arrangement.

There was a knock on my door. I looked at the time, it's 11:25am. I looked towards the door and it slowly opened, seeing someone smiled at me. "Still a good morning Ms. Evans."

"And a good morning to you, Ms. Grant." I said back and Carmen handed me a cup of coffee she had gotten from the teacher's lounge. "Thank you." I smiled.

"How are you doing?" She asked me.

"Good, same old, same old, get up, get ready, come here and prepare my lesson plans, teach, lunch, grades and home." I said.

"Same, can't you believe it's already the end of September?" She asked me.

"I know." I said as I looked through a couple of my plans.

"Are you doing alright? You seem kind of off. I know two months have passed and it's been hard..." She said.

I sighed, "I can be happy that she graduated and now at some great college studying to accomplish her goals. We haven't even contacted..."

"That's sad, I'm sorry she did this to you." Carmen said.

"Whatever, I just thought about what had gone wrong... Our marriage was fine and now we've been divorce for a month with no touch of contact. What happened, is all I want to find out."

"Well, I hope you find out sometime." Carmen smiled.

"I think us splitting was meant to happen. Maybe because of how forced all this was and how much pressure, she still thinks it could affect both of us. So, maybe when she moved, it was for the benefit." I sighed.

"I don't have a say, I'm just sorry for everything I've done to try and get you while you two were together." Carmen said.

"I forgive you, ever since the trip to Spokane, I've realized how much you've changed."

"Now you realize? Wow, I feel offended."

I laughed, "I'm sorry, I just don't sit and think about all of it. It keeps clearing up every time so we can say I'm slowly seeing it." I smiled.

Carmen chuckled and nodded, "I've done worse but I'm slowly getting better. I've realized my lesson." She said.

"Well, everyone deserves a second chance at some point in life. And I could see that you've changed." I smiled.

"Good, because I have." She smiled at me.


~ Jackie's POV ~

It's Friday and the end of September... I sitting in my dorm. On my bed. Looking through social media. "Jay, come on. We have the activity fair today." Serena smiled at me.

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