Chapter 53: Destinations

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~ Jackie's POV ~

After the rest of the wedding, Shay and Emma went to the court to get official marriage forms. We spent another day there and now it's currently Monday. Charlotte and I had just finished lunch with the family. William and Laura already left this morning after breakfast, saying their goodbyes to us too, since they do have work in the late afternoon.

"Ready to go home?"

"Yeah." Charlotte said.

"Thank you so much for coming." Quinn said.

"Thanks for inviting us." I said.

We gave Frank and Quinn hugs. Shay and Emma helped us with the bags. Even though we only have two bags, the handbag and the camera case. All four of us stood outside and smiled at each other.

"It was a beautiful ceremony, we had a lot of fun." Charlotte said.

"Yeah, just small, simple and meaningful." Emma said as Shay's arm was wrapped around Emma's waist, we nodded in agreement.

"Well... congratulations again to the newly wed." We said.

"Thank you, have a safe trip back, be careful driving, Jay." Shay said.

"I will." We gave them one last hug before getting into the car and I began making our way home.

Charlotte's phone began to ring, "Hello..." She said, "Yes... when?" There was a pause. "This Wednesday? Okay, where will it be?" She asked, "Alright, sir. Thank you." She responded and hung up.

"What's up?"

"Teacher's meeting. Even though it is summer. Principal Simpson said there is a board meeting, we need to start discussing new methods for school teaching and how us teacher have to correctly teach our students." She groaned.

"That's not bad."

"It's starting on Wednesday, and goes all the way to Thursday night, we're supposed to come back Friday night." She said. "How many things are we doing wrong to get three days of discussion and training?"

I stopped at a red light, "Wow... that long?"

"That's not all, it's in Spokane."

"That's four hours away."

"I know, we're meeting the other staffs at the airport and taking a flight down there. I have to be gone for three days. I hate to do this to you."

"And if I come, there's going to be more suspicions." I groaned.

"I know... I'm sorry."

"It's fine... It's for work." I said. She grabbed onto my hand and gave it a kiss and I smiled again. I let out a sigh and continued driving.

We stopped at a fast food restaurant halfway so I could pour gas and we could grab a snack. Charlotte was inside getting some burgers and fries while I stood by my car at the gas station, filling my car up. My phone rang. I didn't recognize the number.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Jackie, hi."

"Who is this?"

"Carmen Grant. Wow, you didn't recognize my voice?"

"How did you get my number and what do you want? I thought I finally got to stop hearing your voice after graduation."

"I have my ways... Well, I thought that too, but I wanted to notify you on something."

"Well, make it quick before I get bored and hang up."

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