Chapter 61: Missing You

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~ Jackie's POV ~

It was the twenty-third of December. Charlotte and I are spending our evening outside. We were walking around the area and wanted to stop at Chelsea's place before continuing, "Wow, three months and this place is still packed." I said as we walked in, to the smell of brewing coffee and baked goods.

"Not that much has changed." Charlotte said.

"Oh my gosh, is that who I think it is?" I heard as my head looked towards the front.

"Indeed, the one and only." I smiled. Charlotte let go of my hand as I was in time to catch a Chelsea, in her black apron and Santa hat, who decided to run over and jump into my arms. After let her down she wacked my arm with her red towel. "Ouch."

"Where the heck have you been for three dang months?!" She asked me, hitting my arm over and over again with the towel.

"L.A." I managed to get out. "I go to the University over there. It's a long story, don't want to explain it at the moment." I said.

Chelsea glared at me and then looked over at Charlotte, "Is she telling the truth?"

Charlotte chuckled lightly, "Yes, she is." Charlotte said.

"Well, great to have you back." She said, her tone changed into a sweet voice all of a sudden.

"...I'm kind of visiting." I said and she hit my arm again.

"What?!" She said, "You should tell me when you leave next time." She said. Her tone and expression changes from sweet to scary, I swear, I'm not going crazy.

"I'm leaving the 27th of December, after Christmas." I said.

"Okay, we should sit and catch up." she said, a little more calmly now, "So, what would you two like? Or just the usual?"

"The usual." Charlotte said.

"Great, be right back, please, have a seat while you wait." She smiled.

I rubbed my arm, "That was so much to inhale in five minutes."

"See, we're not the only ones mad." She said and we sat at a stool.

"I know..." I sighed.

Chelsea came back with my ice coffee and an espresso for Charlotte five minutes later. "Thanks, Chelsea."

"No problem, any food?"

"No thanks." Charlotte said as we stood up.

"Of course." She said as she walked away after handing her the money. "Happy holidays." She smiled at us and we smiled back. "And I'm being serious, Jay. We need to sit and talk, catch up before you head back at least."

"Okay, just contact me." I smiled and we walked out.


Getting out of the elevator, I smiled as I took her hand and we walked over to the amazing view, she didn't know I already pre-paid to go up here... Charlotte looked surprised, we haven't been up here in a while. She placed her hands on the railing of the Space Needle, my hands wrapped her waist from behind and rested my chin on her shoulder. We looked out into the open night sky as small amounts of snow fell.

"Remember when you and I came here for the first time together?"

"When you admitted that you loved me and I fled..."

She chuckled, "Yeah... I didn't mean for it to come out that way." She said and I nodded.

"I know you didn't..." I sighed.

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