Chapter 59: Witness To Witness

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~ Charlotte's POV ~

"How was your Thanksgiving? Heard you spent it with a couple of family members." Carmen said as she walked into my room

"It was okay, nothing big, just gathering and food. Though a couple of my friends went out of town to see their family members... it could have been better." I sighed.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah..." I don't think she believed me, so I turned to look at her, "I've just been thinking... it's already been a month." I said.

"Yeah, I know. I never thought you'd give me a chance, still shocked you did." She said and I chuckled.

She came over to me, taking her fingers as she tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear. Tilting my chin up to her lips lightly grazed mine. She suddenly straddled my lap and gently kissed my lips. Her hands moved up my arms and to my cheeks, cupping my face as we lightly deepened the kiss.

Her fingers tingle around my body and her lips started to move to my neck, "Tell me when you want me to stop." She mumbled in my ear before she continued. Her hands slowly moved to my blouse and lightly unbuttoning it, kissing every exposed area, then sliding my blouse off of me. My hands touched her waist and she shivered at the cold hands. I lifting the hem of her shirt and then she reconnected our lips. Removing my skirt and her pants we were in our undergarments. Her lips hovered over mine as she looked at me. I gave her a light smile as her hand slid down my breast and stomach till she reached the edge of my panties. I felt her thumb lightly feel the fabric.

"Carmen..." I moaned, letting out a breath.

"Yes?" She whispered into my ear, seductively.

"You low-life, manipulating, obsessive, fuckin' bitch!" Someone yelled as there was a slam to a door, my eyes landed towards the shadow in the doorway of my room.

"Oh my fuckin' god." I yell, as Carmen looked over and her eyes widened, Carmen slowly moved off of me, "Madison, I gave you that key for emergencies only and to water my plants when I'm away on business trips and vacations, not, barge into my apartment, disturb my privacy and scream like a banshee."

"Well, there is an explanation for that."

"Get out!" I yelled at her.

"No, I'm not leaving." She said as I got under the sheet, covering majority of my body.

"Oh my gosh, no need to hide anything, it's not like I haven't seen you naked before." Madison said.

"What are you doing here? And in my apartment? Didn't you say you were going on a trip."

"I was." Madison said and Amber stepped next to her.

"Amber..." I said. "What do you guys want?"

"Well... We found out that Jackie's been staying out of state at UCLA, we wanted to let you know, oh, how kind are we..." Amber said.

Carmen smirked, "How do you know?"

"Because..." Madison said and I watched them step aside. Someone else walked to the middle and stood there, her eyes glaring deeply into mine.

"...Jackie." I sighed. "W-when... d-did you get back?"

"I had two certain people come visiting me." She said and wrapped her arms around Madison and Amber.

"How'd you find her?" Carmen asked.

"Cut the bullshit, Carmen." Amber spat.

"Hey, she's changed... she's as clueless about this as most of us are."

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