Chapter 65: Just Simple Love

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~ Jackie's POV ~

I stood at the airport on Saturday. It was the end of March and Winter Quarter just ended yesterday. I let out a sigh. A month has passed already. And it's finally somewhat a five-day break. The spring quarter is supposed to begin this coming Wednesday. At least I get five days to relax... somewhat.

Sitting inside the airport. My legs slightly shook. Checking the time... her plane should have landed a couple minutes ago. My eyes kept looking around this huge airport. Wandering around, waiting to meet my woman again. I've been doing fine for a month, but Karina has been on my nerves... apparently, she's everywhere I need to be. At the morning coffee area, the library, just around the halls. Her classes are close to mine too. I can't wait till Charlotte gets here. Karina's been connecting to Serena a bit more too, and Serena's kind of irritated. Like she's cool and all, but just give us some space, is all we are asking for, without using words.

I lost my thoughts when I noticed a particular woman in a flower sun dress, walking towards where I sat in the chairs. She had earbuds in and the cord is waving around with her phone in her hand. She had a pair of prescription glasses on her. I noticed she had grown her blonde hair out a little longer to the middle length of her back is. I also noticed she had taken the time to curl it and the curls are just bouncing happily as she walks in her nice white heels. I still don't get how she can wear heels like an everyday natural thing. But I won't deny how hot she looks in them. She had a duffle bag in her other hand and my smile is growing wider and wider as she gets closer and closer. She finally sees me and shows me her perfectly whitened teeth. She barely had any make-up on beside foundation and red lipstick. Just absolutely gorgeous in my eyes.

I stood up and she sets her duffle bag down on the ground for a second, letting out a sigh and I just stood here, looking her up and down. "Welcome." I smiled.

"Welcome, indeed." She said and I hugged her, lifting her off her feet and spun while she slightly squealed.

"I missed you. And you look hot." I smiled at her.

"Shows how long we've been away from each other." She said and I nodded.

I offered to take her bag and we began walking, I held out my hand to her and she laced them together. "How was your flight, gorgeous?"

She chuckled at my endearment, "Well, my angel, it was fine. Smooth all the way and relaxing." She said and kissed my temple.

"Is this all you took?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Why? Did you expect me to take more?" She smirked at me.

"No, just curious if we needed to pick up anything else." I said.

We walked out to my car. I placed the bag in the back seat. Getting in and turned on the engine as I drove to the school. "Oh, did I tell you..." I started as I stopped at a red light.

"About what?"

"About Karina." I said and she nodded. "Okay, apparently she stopped by and is hanging out in my room with Serena, and Serena just texted be an SOS, and said Ashley and Mark are over there too. I just told Karina I had to run an errand before I left. Then I came here and picked you up."

"Okay... Has she been that irritating?" She asked me.

"She's a cool person, it's just she's been trying to make a pass at me and it's pretty annoying because even if I tell her that I already have someone, she'll just think it's an excuse and continue to bother me. She's making everything low-key though..." I said.

"I will have to meet this girl." Charlotte said as I merged on the freeway.

"Great, she's in my dorm right now anyway, so you will definitely meet her... we'll see what she says first before I introduce you."

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