Chapter 17: Love In The Air

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~ Charlotte's POV ~

She was laying on her stomach as I was above her, my lips kissed up her back as I hear the light hums that escape her lips. Moving some of her hair to one side of her, my lips met with her neck and I felt her wide ear to ear smile. Hearing the hum leaving her lips once more, I buried my face in the crook of her neck and spoke, mumbling, "I take that this lesson was definitely educational."

"Mmm, you have no idea." She moaned. "God, I love your tutoring style."

"Oh really?" I asked.

"Yes, really..." She moaned as I lightly bit her neck.

"So...did you learn anything? Or should I have to repeat the lesson over again?" I smirked.

"I think you should repeat it once more..." She said. "...Or, I can show you what I learned."

I rose my body a bit higher so she could turn and be on her back, facing me. Lowing myself back down, where my forearms are right by her head as I kissed her, I felt her hands running up my stomach, ghosting my breast and up to where my forearms are, slowly interlocking our fingers. After breaking apart she arched her back up to my body and rolled us over so she was on top, straddling my waist. Her long hair on one side, her hands still gripping mine, but now they were positioned above my head. Lowering her lips and kissed me, letting go of our locked fingers to slide down my body as she took her time moving south, my eyes were shut, feeling the sensitivity in every kiss she had placed on my body. Teasing me before coming back up and capturing my lips and I returned the passion.

I suddenly heard the familiar ringtone of Jackie's phone and we pulled apart, "Probably my parents." She said and got off of me to grab the phone on the nightstand. Placing it on speaker so I could hear. "Hello?" She spoke.

"Hey honey, just wondering where you were since its almost ten o'clock." I heard her father's voice.

"Oh, sorry, I meant to call sooner but I had a few thing to go over for school tomorrow. I'm at Charlotte's and she's been helping me go over a few new lessons." She said and I smirked.

"Okay, honey. The car company called and I'll be taking your car in tomorrow, it will be brand new and ready to run Wednesday morning." He said.

"Okay, thanks dad." She said, then they hung up. She placed the phone back on the night stand then turned on her side, handing her attention back to me, "Well, at least that car problem is taken care of."

"Yeah, that's good. We should probably start getting ready to head to sleep." I said as I slowly sat up, but I instantly felt a hand on my chest, pushing me back down, not allowing me to get up. I turned my head over to her and met a mischievious look.

"This lesson review isn't over yet." She smirked and sat up, crawling up my body to connect our lips together. I let out a moan, knowing she won't let me do anything else till she returned the favor... and of course I didn't mind.


Waking to the ringing alarm... I groaned and turned my body to shut it off. Rolling back over and kissed Jackie. "Baby, wake up, it's morning."

She groaned, "Five more minutes."

"Alright then." I said and rolled out of bed and walked into the restroom. I came out a few minutes later and she was still in bed, snuggling with my pillow. I chuckled, walking to my closet and taking out my dark blue jeans, my brown boots and a white blouse. Then heading back to the restroom to start my make-up.

Walking out ten minutes later, I looked at the time, it was 6:30am. I went over to the bed and sat on the edge of it. My hand came up to slowly caress her cheek and kissed her lips, seeing her slowly stir a bit, I gave her one more kiss, this time she slowly responded. "Baby, you really need to get up, it's 6:30am."

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