Chapter 21: First Semester Finals

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~ Jackie's POV ~

I sat in the usual coffee shop with my laptop and bag. Gaining ideas for an essay I had to finished for class. I groaned and Chelsea walked over to me.

"How's it going Jay?"

"Decent, I suppose..." I said, partially yawning with the exhaustion I've been at. I've been sitting here for two hours.

"Well, would you like another cup of ice coffee? A latte? Espresso?" She smiled at me.

"Just one more espresso, Chelsea, thanks." I said and she walked away. I decided to take my eyes off the device and looked out the window.

My phone rang a few minutes later and I answered it, "Hello."

"Hey babe," I heard over the line, "what's up?"

"At the coffee shop working on an English essay."

"That's productive." She said.

"Not really... I wouldn't call it productive since I've been staring at this document for the past hour and have no ideas as in how to continue this." I groaned.

"Well, I'm free at the moment. Would you want me to meet you over there? Or would you like to meet me at my place, so I can help you with it?"

"Um, I can head over there, it'll help if I change my setting a bit... hopefully." I said.

I heard her chuckled, "Alright, I'll see you at my place then. Bye my love."

"Bye." I said and hung up. Grabbing my things and placed them in the bag. Chelsea came over and gave me my espresso. "Thanks Chelsea." I said and she nodded, throwing my bag over my shoulder, grabbing my cup and walked out to my car.

I sighed at the slight chill of the breeze... we're almost close to winter break. Just two more weeks before we can enjoy the holiday breaks of the year. Entering my car, cranking my ignition on and driving over to Charlotte's.

I walked to her door and knocked on it. She opened and smiled as I came in. She shut the door and I gave her a peck on the lips before she led me to her kitchen table and I began grabbing out my items. I placed the prompt to the side so she could read it, and I opened my document I had left off on, letting her scan through the prompt and my introduction.

"I love the intro, it really brings the person reading it in. Catching their attention."

"Okay." I said. "I can probably write it, I just feel so exhausted." I said, beginning to chug my espresso down so it would kick in quicker.

"Baby, I think that's going to cause your energy to drain quicker and crash quite quickly right after."

"Whatever, I just want coffee." I said.

"How many cups did you drink?" She asked.

"I don't know... around three..." I said, finishing the cup and placed the now empty one on the table, "well... that makes four."

"Can you write now?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Hopefully." I said as I began to type out random things and hoping to role with whatever is in my mind.

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