Chapter 18: Flashes and Flashes

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~ Charlotte's POV ~

Seventh period was about to end, it was finally Friday. I'm sitting next to Jackie on one of the student desk helping her solve the equation on her homework. She's been struggling with the understanding of the way questions were worded.

The bell rang a few minutes later and she packed up her paper. "Thanks." She said.

"No problem." I said, getting up and grabbing my folders, placing them in my bag.

I heard my name being called from a distance after I grabbed my things, "Charlotte," I turned around and smiled.

"Carmen." I grinned, remembering we were heading out to coffee, since I covered for her Tuesday at lunch duty.

Jackie then stood up and put on her backpack. She turned around and smiled. "Hi Jackie." I heard Carmen speak.

She nods, "Ms. Grant."

There was a bit of silence as I checked all my things and made sure I have everything. We all walked out and I locked my classroom door.

Jackie then spoke up, "Okay, have a good weekend Ms. Evans." She said. "It was nice seeing you Ms. Grant." Then she walked away not looking back.

I smiled and Carmen did the same, "Ready?" She asked and we both walked out to the parking lot. "Do you want to just come with me, I can drive back here after so you can take your car."

"Sure, just let me place these items in my trunk." I said as we approached my car first, unlocking my trunk and neatly putting my bag and case in the back. We then walked to her car and I entered the passenger seat.

She drove us to a coffee shop close to the school. We walked in and I recognized the place. I've been here with Jackie. We took the booth over by the corner and what I recognized to be Chelsea walking over to us.

"Hi, would you ladies like anything to drink?" She asked.

"An espresso for me," Carmen said.

"A latte please." I smiled.

"Great, I will go prep those." She smiled. She gave me a suspicious look before walking away. Probably wondering why I'm here with someone that isn't Jackie, shit, if she asks me about it, I wouldn't know what to say.

"So, how are you liking the school so far, we're almost done with the first semester." Carmen spoke.

"Yeah, I really enjoy the place." I said. "So how do you know Jackie?" I asked.

"Oh, she was my student for algebra two last year. She is such a great student. One of the best. No one else compared with grades." She smiled.

"Yeah, that's her." I chuckled. "Actually, do you remember that fight on Monday, at the beginning of sixth?"

"Yes. Apparently a student told me it was because they were both in different gangs and something between the two occured causing this little rage to happen." She said.

"Okay, so apparently she was the only one that actually showed up on time to my class, then and no one else. So I was pissed. I ended up giving the entire class a pop quiz and she was the only student that aced it. She is a great one." I smiled.

Chelsea walked back with our drinks. "Thanks Chelsea," I said.

"Of course," she said and slid the check, facing down on the table.

We both took a sip at our drinks and placed them down, reaching for the check at the same time and her hand touched mine. There was a pause and I looked at her. Neither one of us moved and I noticed a hint of interest and curiosity appear as her expression. I rose an eyebrow smiling. And I noticed her little glance at my glossed lips.

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