Chapter 60: Cry It Out

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~ Jackie's POV ~

After the fifteen minutes have passed, we all walked back in the room. Standing up as Judge Robertson walked out again. Everyone sat. And he turned his head over to Carmen.

"Defendant, please stand." He said and Carmen stood up. "Carmen Grant, the jury finds you guilty. You will be sentenced to 10 years..." He said as he hits his mallet on the stand, "Case closed."

I sighed in relief as the police handcuffed Carmen Grant. Walking over, I stopped them for a second, I sighed, "You know... I really do enjoy being your student, you had good methods and skills, but after that, I can't even believe you'd do all this... Why?" I said to her.

"I can just say I have an obsession and basically fell for Charlotte, and I would do anything to have her... But, what can I say, I have to get caught sometime..." she said, "...shows how much you care about Charlotte, more than I could have done for her. I see the way she looks at you, how she talks about you, her almost upset, depression state when you left suddenly because of me. She should be lucky to have someone like you in her life." She said as security took her away.

I sighed, "Jackie..." I looked over to see Lawyer Hunter looking at me.

"Thank you, and thanks to Shay, making me remember that you work as a lawyer." I said and he hugged me.

"We did it. You're free... and Charlotte is free too." He smiled. "Now, please go make up with her, you two should be happy to have each other now."

Hugging everybody as I exited, I looked around, "Have any of you seen Charlotte? I want to apologize..."

"Honey, you know, you don't need to... it's not your fault." Madison said.

"I know it isn't but... I want to check on her too." I said.

"She probably left after they announced Carmen being guilty." Amber said, "You know, since we carpooled with Charlotte, how about we all leave with Madison, let you two leave together, talk it out..."

"I don't know-"

"You two need this, especially since this case is finally over."

"Thanks..." I said as I began to walk away.

"Jackie..." I heard as I turned my head.


"Here." Jess said as he handed me his black compact umbrella. "It might rain... and just in case." He smiled at me.

"Thank you... I'll see you guys sometime later." I said my goodbyes as I ran out of the court house. Exhaling my exhaustion as the cold air hit me.

Ever since Thanksgiving ended, I've stayed here until the trial began on the first official week of December. I was lucky the trial didn't interfere with all my final examinations for my four classes. So, technically, I currently just finished my first week of winter break. Though will be heading back sometime after Christmas, sadly. My papers and everything have been sent in and UCLA is expecting me when Winter Quarter begins.

But anyway, this weather isn't as nice in December, I sighed as I see a woman sitting on the steps looking out at the open area.

I looked up and see the wind blowing, getting cloudy, I watched her arms coming to her sides, I took my jacket off and walked behind her. I placed my black jacket on her and I watched her hands gripping it around her. She was wearing a black dress, so I don't blame her for being cold.

I sat next to her, adjusting my black tie with my blue dress-shirt. She didn't say anything and kept looking out into the open. I did the same and we just sat here, in silence as we could see people walk by. I suddenly heard her sniffling and I closed my eyes, letting out a breath before I pulled her into me, her head rested on my shoulder as I just held her, with my arm wrapped around her waist.

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