Chapter 66: Long Months Apart

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~ Charlotte's POV ~

A month has passed and we're at the end of April, just two more damn months before the school year finally ends. Advance placement testing is next week and it's the most difficult thing yet super easy. The bell rang for lunch as my honors algebra two class packed up and began leaving.

"I expect the rest of that packet done when we return tomorrow." I said and I heard some students groan. I sighed and sat at my computer. When the last student walked out, my door shut and I closed my eyes for a couple minutes, resting my head against the cold medal cabinet by my desk.

I looked at the stacks of papers I need to enter in the computer and let out a groan myself. Taking the stack, I accidently knocked over something. Sighing again as I placed the packets next to the computer and looked at the floor. The picture frame that was at my desk fell, I saw the shattering of the glass and lightly picking up the sharp objects, throwing it in the trash.

The edge of the frame cracked and I closed my eyes for a second. This week hasn't been my best. It gets worse when we're close to the end of the year, plus the advance placement testing that will be a struggle for class schedules next week because we're going to have many absent students every single day. I laid the frame on the desk and just sat here.

A knock on my door disrupted the silence. "It's open." I said and Grace walked in. "Hi." I said, smiling weakly.

"Hi..." She said as she let the door shut and walked in further, taking a chair from one of the desks and placed it next to me as she sat down. "How are you doing? You were somewhat frustrated this morning, just wanted to make sure you're doing fine."

I lightly smiled at her, "I just want this school year to end. I had two guys acting up in class, because one decided to call one of the girls in my class a dyke and then the guy next to her defended her ass apparently. And I had to yell over them. Drake Hall walked into my room in time to get them to listen and actually stop. And we haven't even begun first class." I groaned. "So, I had to call Rick to come down to my class and take them to student-relations office. Not how I wanted to start my morning."

"I'm sorry." She said, giving me a sympathetic expression.

She stood up and handed me my water bottle. "Thank you." I said and took a sip. Closing the cap, I looked over to her and she's looking at the picture frame.

"Is that Jackie?" She asked me.

I smiled slightly, "Yeah." I smiled.

"You two are so cute together." She smiled to me.

"Thanks, I remember my high school graduation, which was this picture and I had placed my cap on her head, her dad took a photo and she was so adorable. And we recreated the picture at her graduation. She decided to place her cap on my head and hug me." I smiled.

"How are you two doing, by the way? I know you said you visited her over Spring Break last month, but how are you doing right now?" She asked me.

"We're doing good, it's just hard to contact at the moment because she's been having so much prep for her final exams in June plus other subjects she needs to touch up on. We've been only messaging once a week, which is driving me crazy but I hope she's managing better than I am." I sighed. She nodded and rubbed my back in comfort. "How are you doing with Ben?" I asked her.

"He's great. We're celebrating our three years this weekend." She smiled.

"Well, congratulations." I smiled at her.

"Thank you." She smiled back as we sat here talking a little longer before she had to head back as the five-minute bell rang for lunch to come to an end and fifth period to begin.

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