Chapter 36: Loving, Protecting, Securing

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~ Charlotte's POV ~

I blinked as I saw the white walls and hearing something that sounds like monitors beeping. Blinking awake as my vision is starting to focus. Groaning as my head throbbed a bit. Looking around I see an IV needle in my arm. I felt a hand gripping mine and I turned to see dirty blonde hair. I shut my eyes and tried to focus my vision. I suddenly began coughing. And I felt the person shot her head up next to me.

"Oh my gosh you're awake. Are you alright?!" Carmen asked and stood up, her hands were lightly on my cheeks as she searched my eyes to make sure I was okay.

"Hopefully." I spoke out in a hoarse voice.

The door opened and I saw Madison, Tiffany and Jess walk in. "Thank goodness you're awake." Madison said, coming over to me and stroking my hair.

The doctor came in and smiled, "Charlotte, glad to see you're awake. I'm Dr. Andrew Lane." He said. "How are you feeling?"

"What happened?" I said as Jess handed me a cup of water with a straw.

"You had a black out... But you were lucky this girl was CPR certified and found a pulse, she kept you breathing before the paramedics arrived." Dr. Lane spoke as he looked over at Carmen.

I looked over at her too and she looked down at me with a light smile. I looked over at Madison and she nodded, "She saved you..."

I looked up at Carmen, "Thank you." I said and I felt her rubbing my hand, she gave me a sincere smile and nodded.

"We're still running test as to see if the alcohol had to do anything with it," he spoke, "we will let you know as soon as we find out."

"Thank you Dr. Lane." Jess said and he nodded before leaving. "Okay, we'll leave you alone for a bit, let you rest. We'll come back in an hour." Jess said and the three of them left. Leaving Carmen and I alone in the room.

The door shut and I groaned, closing my eyes, I feel Carmen's fingers running through my hair. "You scared us last night." She said.

"I don't know what happened. All we were doing is playing pool and drinking whiskey."

"Did you over drink last night?" She asked me.

"No... I was trying not to drink much. Usually a martini and three whiskey drinks aren't heavy in my sense." I said.

"Were you stressed, tired? Overwhelmed?" She asked.

"No. I'm fine." I said.

"Okay..." She said, continuing to stroke my hair. I felt too weak to deny anything right now. "Well... I'm going to head home. I'll let you rest. Hopefully be able to see you this Monday."

"Okay... And thank you again." I said.

She smiled, "Of course, anything to save a beautiful woman's life." She said as her thumb ran across my skin before letting my hand go and walking out.

I groaned, not knowing how long I had been laying in here and Madison walked back in.

"Hey," she whispered. I nodded, "Jess and Tiffany had some errands to run and I'm staying here till you feel okay." She said.

"What happened? We were playing pool, having fun and all of a sudden I black out after feeling dizzy." I said, feeling tears in my eyes. Madison climbed into bed with me and held me.

"Sweetie, you're awake and okay right now... I know how scary it was...I wish I saw how it happened." She sighed, "And Carmen... Even after all the annoyance of seeing her time to time again saved you."

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