Chapter 11: Currently Dating

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~ Jackie's POV ~

I sat there in curiosity and confusion as she walked into the restroom. Damn, what the hell did I say to her? I downed my cooled off coffee then placed the mug in the sink as I sat on the couch thinking. Trying to remember the conversation we had. My mind went back after we had finished talking about the sign compatibilities...

"It also says that the couple are either blissful, passionately, intoxicatingly in love... Or engaged in all out, spiteful, damaging war. Well...Either or, that's fun."

"But blissful, passionately, intoxicatingly in love..." I sighed, smiling up at the ceiling. "...Man, I bet the sex would be sensational." She shoved me, "What?"

"Seriously, after the entire paragraph, that's what you're thinking about?" She said.

"No... Well...not entirely." She said. "And besides, I'm like feeling very drunk right now..."

"Well I don't expect anything less from a Scorpio." She said. I was glaring at her but then looked into her eyes, before taking a quick glance at her lips. "Why do you keep looking at me like that?"

"Because... Do you own a mirror?" I said, still feeling a bit tipsy. She kept a straight face, though I noticed a fainted blush appear on her cheeks. I rolled her eyes and stood up, taking her hand, "Come with me." I said and dragged her into the bedroom... I smiled as I pulled her to the full-length mirror in the room. "See... Look at you." I smiled.


"Oh come on, give yourself a chance, I mean look at you." I said and rested my chin on her shoulder, "The light natural waves and curls of your beautiful golden honey blonde hair... Your eyes that sparkle under the sky's light... Your soft lips... Your natural skin without makeup makes you look more magnificent... The wide smile that makes you glow in happiness when you're passionate about things. Your body... Is perfect, fit, toned, phenomenal... And that's just your appearance, my love." I said, wrapping my arms around her waist looking in the mirror with her. I then released her and sat on the edge of her bed, "You are beautiful... Both inside and out... Don't let anyone say otherwise and don't doubt yourself."

It was silent for a while before she spoke up, "I'm going to use the restroom."

I waited for her as I looked at the clock... it was super blurry as I tried to focus my vision. I continued to feel fuzzy. My eyes tried to focus but I'm having a very difficult time. I decided to just lay down and shut my eyes instead...

I honestly have no idea what happened after passing out. I'm probably on fire trying to think... then it faintly came back... in pieces.

"Come on, Jackie, let's get you to bed." I felt movement... but I'm too worn out to know what's happening.

I played with my hands as my spoken words slowly regenerate in my mind.

I felt her tuck me in, my hand grabbed hers very lightly, "...Charlotte... Kiss me." After a while I felt her lips, they were light, I was tired but I responded faintly...

I sighed as she came out the restroom. I was looking directly at her. She walked over to me and I grabbed her hands. I pulled her to me so she was straddling me on the couch.

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