Chapter 16: There's Always A Lesson

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~ Jackie's POV ~

I had just gotten out of fourth period, getting a text from Amber to meet her in the cafeteria for lunch today. I just walked through the doors and searched for her. She was sitting at a table in the corner away from all the crowds. Walking over and placed my bag on the chair next to me, grabbing out my sandwich and she looked at me.

"So did you talk to your dad about the car yet?" She asked me.

"Yeah, I called him and he said he would call the company." I replied, my car had broken down this morning after my parents had left for work, so I had to call Amber for a ride.

"Okay, that's good... besides all that, you look really happy... everything going well with Charlotte?" Amber asked, clearly amused by the happiness written on my face.

"Yeah." I smiled, my facing lighting up to the mention of her name, and took another bite into my sandwich.

"That's good... don't want to kill the mood, but... any word from the dreaded and bitchy devil cheating ex-girlfriend?"

"Umm... apparently she sent a bouquet of roses over to my place over the weekend, and my mom got it. So she knows we had broken up and the reason behind all of it. And she also knows Charlotte and I are together."

"Man, that girl will never give up until she wins back the love of hers..."

"Well... if you want to put it that way... but she has Emma." I said.

"But still..." Amber said, "She could cheat on her if she wanted... that chick pushes for too much sometimes... I will never understand her, nor will I ever accept her as a civilized person."

"Okay." I just said.

"Speaking of the bitch... she's walking in with Emma."

"Like I care how?" I asked not looking at the entrance.

"I just wanted to use the word bitch, that's all." She replied.

I just rolled my eyes, "Of course you do," I said, Amber will never change.


I walked in math class and was surprised to see myself being the first one in. I rose an eyebrow and decided to just go with it and walked to my seat. The bell suddenly rang, indicating that sixth period was start. Charlotte turns around to face me and was as surprised as I was.

"Where the hell is everybody." She asked.

"I have no idea." I said... "Probably dead." I joked.

"As if..." Charlotte commented, then we suddenly heard chattering outside and exchanging curious glances, we walked out of the room and to the main hall where there were a crowd around the area, and most of it being our class. I stood close to the room as Charlotte walked farther out. I suddenly saw a teacher run past us and into the crowd.

"That's enough!" I heard him yell and pushed through the crowd. Then suddenly I noticed the teacher separating the two students and the principal comes running down the hall as well and leading them to the discipline office.

"Alright, show's over, back to class everyone." Charlotte said as she led the rest of our class back to the room. She gave me an annoyed look and whispered under her breath, "Unbelievable." Letting out a heavy sigh.

I walked in after her and took a seat my desk. As I watch the rest of the class pile in and taking their sweet time getting to their seats.

"Okay, since all of you decided that a wrestling match in the main hall is more important than showing up on time to your current math class... we will do a pop quiz." She said and everyone groaned in annoyance. "So, since you all got a summer assignment and were expected to finish it before entering this class on the first day, I want you to pull it out and pass them up to me so I can grade them... And hoping they're all completed and that you actually learned something from it, I will take some problems off of them and write them on the board for this quiz. And I would expect that all of you to know the formulas that were all on the packet and have them memorized," She said and took the stack in her hand. As she finished writing the quiz on the board she spoke for the last time, "I will be timing you, you all have the rest of this class to finish it," she said and looked at the clock, "which is about half an hour. Turn them in on my desk when you finish."

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