Chapter 68: Fourteen And On

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~ Jackie's POV ~

<> Three Years Later <>

Three years have passed and I'm as happy as ever. Summer is here and I've officially graduated from college. I was currently sitting on the carpet floor with cute lion and dinosaur stuffed animals on the ground. Wyatt, Chelsea and James's three-year-old son sat on the ground giggling at me.

"What does the dinosaur say?" I asked him and he began giggling.

"Grrrrr." He said.

"How about the lion?"

"Roarrrrr." He said.

I smiled taking the lion and moved it closer to his face, "Roar." I said to him as the lion nose was lightly touching his.

Wyatt began to scrunch up his face and have fits of giggles. "Roar." He said as he launched into my arms, knocking me to the floor. This boy can't stop giggling. "Aunty Jay... you funny." He said as grinned widely above me.

I touched his nose and he still giggled. "You're strong." I said to him. He now has both the dinosaur and the lion in his hands. He began waving them at my face. I felt the fur and softness of the stuffed animals on my skin.

I sat up and lifted him and balanced him on my hip as I walked towards the kitchen. I got him his bottle of chocolate milk and sat down with him in the kitchen. Giving him some animal cracker to eat as well. I sat and watched him eat. He held one out to me and I shook my head.

"I'm sharing with you, aunty." He said and I smiled. As he wouldn't take his hand away. I took the single cracker he held up to me and then continued to eat and drink the chocolate milk. When he finished drinking he looked over to me and smiled at me.

"You have a chocolate milk mustache." I said and he giggled. I grabbed a paper towel and handed it to him.

"Thank you." He said and wiped his mouth.

My hand ruffled his messy brown hair. As I placed the things in the sink, he got off and ran back to his dinosaur and lion. I looked at the time, it was 7:00pm. Charlotte should be back from her meeting any time soon. I heard the keys and the door. I dried my hands and looked towards the door and watched my girlfriend walk in.

"Aunty Char!" Wyatt yelled out excitedly when he saw her.

"Wyatt?" She asked as she placed her bag down and picked him up, swinging him around before giving him a kiss. "You look so big." He nodded and Charlotte looked over me. "And hello you." She said before placing Wyatt back down so he can play with his toys. She walked over to me and kissed my cheek.

"How was your day, honey?" I asked her.

"It was good." She smiled at me. "And I assume you're doing good?"

"Yep, Chelsea called me after you left and asked if I could baby-sit him since she has work and James, who's supposed to have the day off, got called in." I said and she nodded.

"Okay, I'm going to change." She said and walked towards our room after giving me a quick peck. We spent another hour playing with Wyatt and eating dinner before there was a knock on the door.

I opened it to reveal Chelsea. "Mommy!" Wyatt shouted when he saw his mother.

"There's my baby boy." She said as she picked him up. "Did you behave with Aunty Jay and Aunty Char?"

"Yes, mommy." He smiled and rested his head onto her shoulder, letting out a light yawn.

I placed the two animals in his bag and the bag of animal crackers. Handing them to Chelsea. "Thank you so much. I owe you." She said to be as she lightly bounced her son in her arms as he looked very sleepy.

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