Chapter 41: Disrespect

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~ Jackie's POV ~

I sighed and plastered a smile on my face. Ms. Grant took role of the class then passed out the worksheets we had.

"Okay, we're going to begin, I will teach you the first page and the rest is a review of this lesson and all the other problems. Now, I will demonstrate this once, if you have questions ask after, please don't interrupt me as I show you how to do these problems."

I sat and watched her teach, I already hated it and continued to look down at my paper. I would look up once in a while and see she was still showing the work. I understood it because Charlotte taught me some of these when I was asking her about next assignments and helping her staple during her prep. I decided to turn to the other pages and get the review work done. I was on the last page when I heard a pause in Ms. Grant's talking. I looked up and she was standing right in front of my desk.

"Ms. Blake... I remember having you and if you didn't know my policy, when I'm teaching, you would listen and follow everything I would do, so that doesn't mean being on your phone."

"Miss, I'm not on my phone though."

"But you aren't paying attention and doing the work ahead of time. Unless you understand this enough to teach the class, I recommend looking up at the board instead."

I was annoyed already, she never treated me like this when I was in her class before. "Yes, Miss. I understand it well enough."

"Am I hearing back talk, Ms. Blake?"

"No, I'm not back talking, I'm just stating that I know how to solve this, like you said."

"So, you wouldn't mind coming up and teaching the class about partial fraction decomposition then?" She asked quite sternly.

"I would, I could try a problem out and explain it to the class and see if they understand it, but it's not my job to teach."

"Alright then, let's do problem three on here." She said and handed me the pen.

"Gladly." I said and walked up to the board. I looked at the problem and began doing the work.

"You know you would need to explain it as you go." Ms. Grant said.

I ignored her and kept writing.

"I don't hear explaining, Ms. Blake."

"Can I finish writing out the work and then explaining it? Because I have a different way of demonstrating things to the class. I don't have to stick with one method every time." I said and sighed.

She didn't say anything and I heard some of the classmates whispering. I turned around and read the problem out loud. I gladly explained the problem to the class, going through every single step. Every small detail and mistakes that could be missed. One of the classmates raised their hands.

"Yes?" I said.

"So, all you're saying is if we're trying to get A, we could plug in a number that would cancel out B and C, then we would just solve and use algebra to get the value for A?"

"Yes. Then you would repeat it for B, so cancel out A and C, and then solve, then cancel out A and B to get C, so on, so forth." I said.

The class began to clap as I smiled. Ms. Grant stood up and walked over to the board. "Thank you, Ms. Blake... though I didn't ask you to use that method."

"I'm sorry, Ms. Grant. You didn't give me a specific method to use. I was going off of what how Ms. Evans taught it, so I followed her way because I understood it quickly." I said.

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