Chapter 35: Again and Again

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~ Charlotte's POV ~

Wednesday came quickly as I parked my car in the teacher's parking. Arriving twenty minutes early, I looking at the time I had about five minutes before I really needed to be in there. I turned off my engine and just scrolled through social media. Sighing, I got out of the car and walking to the front door. Walking to the main office I smiled as I took the key and entered the door.

"Morning Charlotte." I turned and smiled at the woman.

"Hey Vicky." I smiled and walked to my box and grabbed a couple of papers that were left in there.

I smiled and walked out, going straight to the math hall I arrived at my classroom and saw someone waiting for me at the door.

"Hey." She smiled.

"Hi." I said and opened my door. She helped me with a couple of papers. After the door shut and I placed all my stuff on the table she handed me a bag from the bakery.

I rose an eyebrow. She shrugged, "just something to make your morning." She said and I opened it to see a pastry.

Walking over with a warm smile I kissed her forehead. "Thank you."

She looked up and pecked my lips, "Okay, I have to go. Need to pick some stuff up for a class."

"Okay, I'll see you in sixth then."

"Okay. Bye, love you." She said as she made her way to the door.

"Love you too and thanks again." I said and watched her exit the door.

Placing the pastry on top of the small fridge I had in my room. I began to look through the paperwork that was in my mail. Getting letters, that were labeled academic awards invite for sixth period, it's today during seventh period. I looked through the list of names and smiled at all the students that had gotten them.

I went to search through the other papers, then found a small stack that was paper clipped together and labeled 'Carmen Grant.' I placed it to the side and skimmed the rest. The bell suddenly rang and the class started to come in and sitting at there seats. I looked at the stack... I'll just give it to her during lunch hour. I decide to go stand outside by the door and greeting the students.


When lunch hour came, I waited till my fourth period left the room and grabbed my keys, I took the small stack that's been sitting next to my computer and walked out my classroom, locking my door and walked a couple of rooms down to Carmen's. Her door was open and she was writing things onto the white board.

Lightly knocking into it, she turns towards the noise and smile when she saw me.

"Hi Charlotte." She said and placed her market down and walked to her desk.

I walked in and smiled, "Hey, I was looking through my mail this morning and found these papers in them, I believe they belong to you."

She looked down at the stack I was holding.

"Thanks. I was wondering where those were, principle announced it in the emails this morning." She said and reached her hand out to grab the stack. Reaching a little further than needed to brush her hand with mine before taking the gold papers.

She smiled widely at me and I just stayed smiling back. "I'm going to go grab some lunch." I said.

"Sure, actually... I'll come with you." She said and grabbed her keys.

We exited her room, she locked her door and we walked towards the teacher's lounge that had some food that someone had brought in for all the staff members. Such a kind person.

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