Chapter 10: Compatibilities

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~ Charlotte's POV ~

It was Saturday. I'm sitting on my couch in my apartment grading papers. Jackie and I are on good terms. We talked it all out in the car on Tuesday and we're good. She's been telling me she's still having distance with Shay. Giving us more time to hang out. I took a sip of wine as I finished up the last bit of grades from the quizzes the classes had.

I suddenly got a notification and turned on my phone, it was from Jackie: 'Hey.'

I replied, smiling at the text, 'Hey, what's up?'

'I'm bored to death over here. Hehe.'

I smiled, 'Want to come over?'

'Sure. I'll be by in about 15 minutes.' She said.

I looked back at the graded papers on the coffee table and collected them together, placing them in my bag. I saw one last class stack on the kitchen counter. Damn it, I thought I finished. I sighed as I unclipped the last stack, it was sixth period. I began entering the rest and heard the knock on the door. I placed the laptop on the table as I walked over to answer it.

"Hello." She said and I smiled, she stepped in the apartment and we walked over to the couch. "Grading papers?"

"No." I said, "Entering grades."

"Fun." She smiled. We both sat down on the couch and she watched me type in numbers in the computer. I suddenly heard notifications going off, she pulled out her phone and started laughing. "Thanks Ms. Evans for putting my grades in." She said and showed the grade app notifications she got on her phone about teachers entering grades. I laughed with her.

I finally finished and placed my laptop down, and just closing it, letting it sleep. I picked up my wine glass and took a sip. "Do your parents know you're here?"

"Yeah, they know." She said and slowly took her hand, ran it up to mine, she lightly gripped the wine glass and slid it out of my hand and took a sip. She handed it back to me and I stood there in a bit of shock.

"Since when do you drink?" I asked her.

"Um... Since I found out that Shay cheated on me." She said, "It was also the time my parents were out on a business trip for their job and I took out a beer bottle from the fridge and drank it. I ended up drinking up to three or four, getting super drunk, and had a major hang over the next day." I shook my head at her. "Hey, it doesn't help when you found out your girlfriend decided to kick things up a notch and sleep with someone else."

"Understanding." I said, handing Jackie my glass as she took it and nearly downed the glass and then refilling it.

"Our relationship is so fucked up..." She said as she stared down at the glass, swirling the wine a bit. "Sorry, I shouldn't even be talking about her."

"No, it's fine. You should tell me about her." I said, I actually wanted to hear about her relation with Shay, how it affected her and all... Especially when she moved here... After everything with me.

"What do you want to know?" She said and turned her head over to me, taking a sip of the wine.

"I don't know... How you met? First date, maybe?" I said.

"Well we met at school. First week, started on the third day where we were at our lockers, hers was above mine and she kept dropping papers, the next day was a composition book, and Friday was a few sheets of paper. We finally decided to give a true introduction and meeting. Then after school we went to the café for coffee. Which was where Chelsea had spilt the glass on me." She smiled. "First date..." She sighed, "we went to dinner and a movie, then went back to my place and sat there talking, getting to know each other more." She said. "Anything else?"

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