Chapter 52: Walking Into Love

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~ Jackie's POV ~

"Honey, do you want me to drive there?" Charlotte asked me as I began placing our bags by the front near the door.

"No, it's fine. I can drive there." I smiled. My phone rang and it was Shay. "Hello?"

"Hey, when are you guys coming down?" She asked me.

"We're leaving in an hour," I said as I looked at the clock, seeing it was 3:00pm.

"Okay, I sent you the address alright, did I?"

"Yes. It's on the GPS right now." I said as I went to my wallet and made sure I have it written down also.

"Okay, are you thinking of staying at the hotel?"


"Oh please, you don't need a hotel. Emma's parent's house is a two story, they wouldn't mind you staying with us."

"Are you sure, we don't want to be a bother."

"No worries, we discussed this plan earlier with her and her parents when we were planning the invitations. I wanted to call and confirm all of it to you."

"Okay, see you later tonight." I smiled.

"Bye." She said and we hung up.

"Well... we'll be staying with Emma's family. Since the ceremony is there, they didn't want us to stay at a hotel." I told Charlotte as she handed me a bowl of left over soup from last night.

"Alright." She said. "...How do you think they'll react?"

"I honestly don't know. But I do know that they are going to go ask me for an explanation." I sighed.

"Yeah." She said as we finished our soup.

"I'll take your bowl." I smiled and went to the sink, washing the dishes. After finishing, we checked everything and made sure we have all that we need. "Okay, clothes." She pointed to the luggage, "Formal clothing." I said and she pointed to the hanger that is laid out on the couch, "Phone, charger, anything extra needed." I said and she had a handback by our suit cases.

"We're good." She smiled.

"Ready to go?" I asked her.

"Yeah." She said as we walked out, I began placing the luggage in the trunk. Getting into the car we began starting the GPS and making our way over to Emma's house.


"Your destination will be on your right." I heard as I looked at the right.

"Right here." Charlotte said and I turned into the driveway.

"Wow... that is a nice house." I said.

"Yeah," she sighed. "Okay, are we good to go in?"

"Yep." I said and we exited the car. I walked over to her and she held my hand as we walked up to the door. I hesitated and then looked at her, she smiled at me and I rang the bell.

"You're here!" Shay said as she launched herself into my arms.

"Oh my gosh," I said as I balanced myself, "And a hello to you too."

She let go of me and looked at the person standing next to me, "...Ms. Evans?"

"Shay." Charlotte smiled.

"Well, come in. Here, I'll help you with your bags." Shay said as we walked to our car and brought our two bags in. "How are you?" She asked me as I handed Charlotte her bag.

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