Chapter 24: 'Hidden' Gay-Sides

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~ Jackie's POV ~

We stood in Uncle Tim's house as Charlotte and I watched from the couch, the parents helping him take out the fake Christmas tree that's stored in there for about 360 days or so before we have to take it out again. They placed the box down and looked over at us.

"Are you two entertained with the terrible cooperation?" My dad asked.

"Yep." I smiled, and my dad, out of no where, threw a candy cane at me. "Thanks." I smiled and then he also tossed another to Charlotte.

She laughed, "Thanks, but I don't feel like eating this at 10:00am." She smiled about to toss it back, when I took it out of her hand.

"Well... More for me." I smiled.

She smacked my arm and I pouted at her. She just shook her head and hugged me for a few second. The family still doesn't know, and I thought she would have gotten carried away to kiss the pout off my lips, but no she hugged me. I silently sighed in relief. We were acting so gay right now.

The parents set up the tree and told us we should get off our lazy asses and help decorate. Not kidding, my uncle's specific words were, "get your lazy asses off the couch and help decorate."

See, if I refuse he might throw us another candy cane. But instead he threw the silver and gold tinsels to put on the tree. I sighed and Charlotte got up. I refused and she picked me up, carried me, in bridal style, only five feet away, then placed me down on my feet in front of the tree. I glared at her. But it broke because I just realized how gay it looked. Everyone else thought it was funny, and I'm here, looking at her like, "woman, are you trying to expose us after telling the family yesterday you have a 'boyfriend.'"

Anyway, I gave in and we started to place the lights, tinsels and ornaments on the tree. Christmas at this moment to me, is what you call, listening to Christmas music, snuggling into a warm blanket and drinking hot coco. No need for trees or presents. Just the presence of my girlfriend and we're all settled.

Back in reality, not my thoughts. Speaking of Christmas music, my aunt turned on the radio and of course it has to appear. But who am I to argue with Christmas music. I began to hum as I continued placing ornaments and candy canes around the tree. Charlotte helped her dad hang up stocking and stuff. I looked over to the kitchen where my mom is helping my aunt with baking. Uncle Tim was probably outside. And I just noticed my dad walking out to the front to help uncle put up the lights outside and stuff..

Not long I was laying on the couch. I closed my eyes and suddenly felt my head being lifted and as I opened my eyes, noticing Charlotte above me, stroking my hair.

"Hello, you appeared out of no where." I said and she chuckled, then I went back to closing my eyes.

"You look tired. We've only been decorating for half an hour... Wait, oh my gosh, did you crash from the sugar already?!" She teased. "Do I need to recharge your energy up again?" She asked as I opened my eyes in time to see her hands above me, I was about to raise an eyebrow at her, but then she started to tickle me.

I squealed, "Charlotte!" I laughed as she knew my weakness was being tickled. "Charlotte! Stop tickling me." I laughed harder, squirming around on the couch.

"Ah, what's the magic word," she said, leaning down a bit as she was closer to me now.

"Please!" I laughed out, being very out of breath from all the laughing that's occurring.

"Nope that's not it." She smiled wider.


"My name? That's not the magic word." She continued to tease.

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