Chapter 48: Repay The Favor

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~ Charlotte's POV ~

The bell rang for the end of seventh. I got out of the student's seat. "Understanding?"

"Yep, I think I just confused the x and y values in the word problem." Jackie said.

"Common mistake." I smiled.

There was a knock on my door, I looked up and Carmen walked in, "Hi, Charlotte." She said, she looked over to see the only student in my room, "Jackie."

"Ms. Grant." She said as I saw her packing up her items.

"So, how was your break?"

"It was good." I said, "Nice and relaxed."

"I would agree. Being away from teaching and grading." She said and I nodded.

"Well, I'm going to go. Thanks for the clarification, Ms. Evans. I'll see you tomorrow." She said. "Bye, Ms. Grant."

"Bye, Jackie." We both said.

After the door shut, Carmen turned back to me, "I know this is sudden, but would you like to head out for coffee? I want to discuss a few mathematical courses with algebra 2 classes." She said.

"I don't have any plans... we could."

"Great. I need a change of scenery, I can't keep staying in my classroom. I wanted to go over a couple of methods and see where you're going."

"That's fine." I said.

"I'll meet you there." She said and I nodded. Couple minutes later, I locked up and walked out and to my car. I drove to the coffee shop and what do you know, Jackie just walked out and over to the booth in the corner, her eyes widened when she saw me. I gave her a look and the next thing you know, my phone rings. "I thought you were heading home."

"I usually head to Chelsea's before I head home. I sit here and enjoy this place for a bit, this is also my alternate place if I needed to get out of the house or relax, mostly individually." She replied. "What are you doing here?"

"Carmen wanted to discuss some algebra methods and whatever," I said as I took the booth a couple feet away, "Your back is towards the entrance, so I don't think Carmen would see anything."

"Hopefully, otherwise she would have suspected something."

"I know." I said, looking at the window I could see her making her way in, "She's here, well, I'll see you after." I said.

"Yeah." Jackie said and we hung up.

Carmen walked in and smiled as I was looking through a few folders. She sat across from me after getting a drink. "Okay, so... what do you want to discuss first?" I said.

"Logarithms." She said.

"Okay." I sighed as I grabbed a book out and she took out her belongings as I worked with her with lesson plans. After so much discussion, we were almost finished. Carmen's been sneaky with a couple of things, as I was going over a couple of lesson plans, she'd stop me and have some alternate teaching system. And her hand would once in a while touch mine.

After what feels like two hours sitting at the coffee shop, we finished, "Now I feel we're all on track, with Mr. Hall." she said and I just nodded.

"Yeah, but he moves quicker or slower, depending on the topics." I said.

"Yeah. That is true." Carmen said. We packed our things and I stood up, "Thank you, Charlotte." She smiled at me.

"Of course." I said, "Well, I'm heading, I have some papers to grade and enter before tomorrow."

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