Chapter 31: A Little More Time Alone

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~ Jackie's POV ~

Lunch had finally came around and I was at my locker placing unwanted binders inside.

"Hey!" I heard Amber say as she leaned her body against the locker beside mine.

"Hey." I said.

"We still need to talk about your trip." She pointed out. "We still have fifth together, so there is plenty of time."

"Alright." I said as I closed my locker and zipped up my backpack. Throwing it on my shoulder and we walked to our usual spot to the cafeteria, to our corner table.

"Alright start from the beginning and tell me everything that happened."

"We arrived at my aunt's house and of course the majority of our time was spent there. I ended up sleeping at their house while Charlotte went back to her parents house to sleep. Anyway, when we celebrated Christmas everything was fine. The regular family shopping and dinner, spending time together. My aunt ended up asking Charlotte if she was in a relationship. She said yes and my aunt was like interviewing her about her relationship. She ends up lying, and my mother knows, that she faked the sale of dating a male. Saying his name is Jay and described 'him' in a great way that made my aunt finally shut up. Oh my gosh she described her person in a way where I was just going to sit there, have this super wide smile on my face. My heart melted in her words."

"Damn, she's gotten to you so much."

"Shut up... anyway, after Christmas, we kind of had a bit of a thought of not wanting to hide it from her parents, my aunt and uncle. We kind of revealed ourselves on New Years..." I chuckled, "so that early afternoon, we went shopping to find something formal for the New Years party my aunt hosted. She ended up wearing this dress, that I keeping wanting to pass out because how hot she looked in it... Her dress was burgundy, which fit her more. She bought be a burgundy dress shirt and at the party everything was fine, we spent more time together, partially alone, there were a couple of men hat flirted with her and I was happy I restrained myself from punching them and tell them that she was taken."

"Awe, you should have told them to back off." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Anyway..." I said, ignoring her statement, "we were outside in the backyard for a bit and my mom came out to chat, we then went in about five to ten minutes before the ball dropped. And because it was our first I asked her if I could kiss her at midnight, she had the same though... then we did and it was great... but it wasn't long until we looked over away from each other's eyes and saw my aunt and uncles, and also her parents looking."

"Oh..." She said, giving me a nervous look.

"Yeah... we kind of chatted it out after all the guest left... my aunt and uncle ended up accepting it after about ten minutes. Her parents... not so much. She ended up breaking down that night after they left and she stayed at my aunts with me. She went to see her parents that next morning and things kind of got out of hand, I don't want to get into that much depth because it was her personal stuff... we ended up going to the park after she came back just to spend time with just us and figure this out. She told me everything and the situation her dad placed out saying we had to stop being together, that we're just fine staying friends..."

"No... No! You guys broke up!" She exclaimed, "that's why things were a bit weird when you guys got back." She interrupted.

"No. We didn't." I said.

"But you just said her father said you could only be friends."

"I did say that, though I didn't explain it all, so shut up and let me finish the fuckin' story."

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