Chapter 62: The Essay

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~ Jackie's POV ~

My weekend has finally arrived as I was finishing up this assignment for my English class. Letting out a breath when I finished, I spun in my chair in relief. Now I'm searching through Facebook. My computer just notified a video call. I smiled as I answered it.

"Hello." I smiled to the other side of the screen as I rested my chin on my palms.

"Hey, how are you?"

"I'm good, tiring for the second week but I'm managing. And yours?"

"It's fine." Charlotte said. "I miss you."

"Same, every second, every minute, every hour, every day that I am away from you." I said.

"Awe, how cute." I heard as I turned my head.

"Serena." I said, rolling my eyes.

"I got you some food, since you had to finish your assignment." She said as she handed me the bento box. She looked at the screen, "Hi, Charlotte." She said.

"Hi Serena, how are things going with you?"

"Good, great." She smiled.

"Are you keeping my girl happy?" Charlotte asked through the video call.

"Yes, my friends and I are keeping her company till these next two semesters end at least." Serena said.

"Good." Charlotte smiled.

"Well, I'm going to the library, Ashley wants to go over a couple of things, I'll let you two sweethearts chat. I'll see you later tonight, bye Charlotte." Serena said as she took her bag and walked out the door.

I turned my head back to the screen, "Anyway, anything new going on over there?"

"Not much, everything at the school is still the same, Madison and Tiffany are still doing well, the family is good, Amber's managing her way through college... ooh, Jess has a girlfriend, apparently... Tiffany said she went home and heard someone else's voice in his bedroom talking and turns out she met the girl yesterday morning before work, he introduced her as his girlfriend."

"It's about time he gets a girlfriend... I thought that since he's been hanging out with us four lesbians the entire time, that it turned him gay." I said and she burst into laughter.

"Well, now we know he's not, nor did we turn him gay." Charlotte laughed.

"Happy for him. What's her name?"

"Tiffany said her name was Meredith." Charlotte said, then shrugged. "Apparently, she said they met at a restaurant, she was his waitress and somehow there was a connection and interest... We would need to get the info from Jess, himself."

"Okay, but really happy that he found someone." I smiled.


"How's Chelsea doing?"

"She's doing alright, time off from here and there with her first trimester of morning sickness though."

"Awe..." I said.

We sat here chatting for another hour or so and I finished my food. Serena came back a couple minutes ago and went to shower. I looked at Charlotte and she looks beat.

"Anyway, how's my woman doing? You've been tired for the past couple of days and you're worrying me." I said.

She lightly smiled, "I'm doing good, just less sleep and tons of grading." Charlotte said as her hand ran through her hair.

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