Busy Day Part 1 (Alex Ernst)

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Rosie's POV

"David I'm nervous I watch your vlogs and everyone's so outgoing" I told David as we walked towards his apartment.

"Rosie you will be fine they will love you" David stated and we stopped outside his apartment.

I took a deep breath as David opened the door and immediately got hit in the face with the smell of weed.

"David what the fuck it stinks in here" I coughed holding my nose.

"I know but you get used to it" He told me as he shut the door and walked down the hallway into the living room.

"Hey David" One of his room mates with pink hair said that I believe is Dom.

"Who's this ?" He asked with a mischievous look in his eyes.

"Dom this is Rosie my friend from high school, Rosie this is Dom my drug dealer room mate" David introduced me.

"Nice drug dealer room mate what else you got?" I laughed taking off my back pack and rolling my shoulders as they hurt.

"Is Alex here?" David asked Dom who nodded.

"I'll be back in a minute" David said then walked out leaving me with Dom.

"So how long have you known David?" He asked me sitting down at his desk.

"We met on the first day of high school and have been friends since" I told him looking around the apartment.

"You got a boyfriend?" He asked.

I looked at him with an 'are yo being serious' face and decided just to answer.

"No I don't" I replied then looked at the floor and noticed a bunny cage.

"Holy shit you got a bunny" I said and sat on the floor next to the cage looking at the cute white fluff ball in the corner.

"Yeah it's not mine it's David and Alex's" He stated.

"Can I get it out?" I asked then David and this other hot guy walked in that is Alex.

"Well what did we just walk into?" David said laughing holding his vlogging camera.

He turned it off and put it down on the counter then looked at me next to the bunny cage and laughed.

"Of course you're near the bunny where else would you be" David laughed.

"How come you haven't put this in your vlogs yet?" I asked curious.

"We are in a few days just to let her settle in" David responded.

"Wow supportive friend watches all your videos, I wish mine did that" Dom joked and I laughed.

"We would if they were good" The guy who I think is Alex said.

"Dick" Dom muttered then turned around to his desk.

"Alex this is Rosie my friend from high school, Rosie this is my room mate Alex" David introduced us.

Alex smiled at me so I smiled back then walked towards me and bent down to open the cage.

"You wanna hold her?" He asked.

"Yes please" I smiled brightly as he picked her up and placed her in my arms.

"Oh my god she's so cute" I said smiling down at the bunny in my arms.

"Dom what is this?" David asked picking up a pair of blue laced pants off the floor near the balcony.

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