Change of Plans

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Saturday evening, Olive was relived to find that Alexei had time off from working with Nicholas. Nicholas actually had some time off too and was spending it with Alexandra, who was pleased to spend some alone time with her husband. Olive had the luxury to sleep in a bit today, but still woke up around eight. Alexei always woke early, sometimes even at sometime around four, which made Olive wonder how he didn't have dark circles under his eyes from staying up late some nights.

Usually after dinner, Olive would go straight to bed unless she was needed for something. Last night though, Alexei had caught Olive in the hall and they spent a few more moments alone together. He had promised her today they would spend some time together in the gardens, alone. Olive felt pleased with that, knowing that Alexei never backed out on his promise. Their time together was being gradually depleted, but Alexei needed to prepare as best as he could to become the Tsar. It was a serious business, he would be ruling the entire country.

  Alexei came and knocked on Olive's door around one, which made Olive jump. She expected him to come at a way later time, as he usually did. They liked going to the gardens around sunset, which was when the gardens were at their highest point of beauty. Olive opened the door, trying to hide her surprise. "Hello Alexei, I didn't expect you coming so early." She said, a small frown on her face. Alexei nodded, nodding to the Tsar's room. "I didn't think you would, but I have some things I needed to discuss with you." He said, and Olive knew she looked scared. He was probably leaving for the front, she realized, fear pulsing through her.

"Nothing bad, I swear!" He said, realizing she probably had the wrong idea. Olive let out the breath she had been holding, relief flooding through her. "Father.... brought something to my attention. " He stated, tilting his head as if he was thinking.  Olive was confused, but decided not to question him any further.  He had sworn it was nothing bad, so she decided there was no use being anxious or afraid. "Okay, as long as it's nothing bad." She said, not able to hide her frown. Alexei gave a chuckle, grabbing her hand. "Its just something I thought you should know, don't worry Love." He said, leading her out the door.

They walked to the gardens in silence, but not the uncomfortable type. Joy ran over to greet them, his tail wagging in the afternoon soon. He was panting, his tongue out and his face in what looked like a dog smile. Olive couldn't blame him,  it was still hot even though it was mid-August. They stopped by the lake, Joy trailing behind them happily. Joy was almost always with Alexei, truly living up to the old saying ' A man's best friend'.  Olive sat down beside Alexei on one of the benches, crossing her legs.

"Now, what was it you needed to discuss with me?" She asked,  bending down to scratch Joy behind his ears. Alexei nodded, smiling. "Well, before I start, I think you and I know one day, we will be married. Am I correct?" He asked, his sky blue eyes searching her face. Olive blushed, trying not to smile. "Yes, you are correct." She said, giving a small nod. Alexei looked embarrassed to go on, but kept strong. "And we always thought it would be after I became the Tsar?" He asked, biting his lip. Olive was unsure what to say, she had no clue where this conversation was going. She nodded slowly, her brows furrowed.

  "Well we had wanted that so our coronation and wedding would be two different events." Alexei said evenly, and Olive rubber her temple, sighing. "Alexei, where are you going with this? "  Olive asked, not even bothering to hide her confusion. She didn't know why they were discussing this, it wasn't a topic she was comfortable discussing at the moment. "If we got married after I became the Tsar, our wedding would still be your coronation, since you would be the Tsarina." He said, his face turning pink.

Olive nodded slowly, willing him to continue. She still didn't know why he needed to tell her this. "So, in order for our wedding and coronation to be two different events, we would have to be married before I became the Tsar. " Alexei said, and Olive realized what he was trying to say. She was surprised she had never thought about it, though she didn't know all the details political things like that. But then she realized Alexei would be the Tsar in less than a year, and they needed to be married before then. Most Tsars chose their brides before they had their coronation, and Alexei was going to do the same thing.

"Oh... isn't that going to be soon?" She asked, blushing a bit. Alexei nodded, shrugging. "Yes, it will be. We don't have to get married right now, that's not what I'm saying. " Alexei said, sighing and Olive sensed he wasn't finished.  "But, it will need to be soon, if you're okay with that." He said, adding the last part quickly. Olive let out a breath, weighing down her decision. They were still young, maybe too young for marriage. On the other hand, Olive loved him, and she couldn't think of anything better than spending the rest of her life with him. She also knew that their marriage wouldn't be focused on only love, there was political things to worry about too.

"I would be, Alexei." She stated, finally answering. She decided to ignore all the bad things that would come with their relationship and focus on the good. Alexei let out a shaky breath, a breath Olive hadn't noticed he was holding. "Good, that's all I needed to hear." He said, then smiled sadly, grasping her hand. "I'm sorry we don't have a normal love, it would make things way less complicated. " He said apologetically, and Olive felt a small ping in her chest. She leaned forward, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips,

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

So I did update!! I'm surprised with myself. I may update later tonight, but Im not sure. Thanks for reading

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