Breaking Rules

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Olive awoke the next day after the third wave of fever broke, or at least it felt like a day. The sheets were drenched in sweat like the day before, even though Olive felt as if she were covered in a sheet of ice. She remembered Tatiana feeding her and giving her more medicine, and she remembered Alexandra coming in to assist Tatiana. Though their faces and voices were as clear as day, she only remembered Tatiana coaxing her to sit up and eat the foul tasting food she was giving her and Alexandra's pitiful comments she had lamented when she saw Olive laying in bed all sick and frail. The rest of their words were a hazy blur that she couldn't decipher.

Today when she turned her head to the wooden chair, Anastasia was there once again, focused deeply on a cross stitch blanket she had been working on. When she heard Olive stir and let out a small groan, she looked up from her sewing and Olive saw a flash of concern behind her mischievous eyes, though it was gone before she could be sure. "How long?" Olive asked in her uncharacteristically raspy voice as she tried to sit up slowly. Anastasia stopped sewing, the corners of mouth turned up in a teasing smirk crossed her face, although her eyes shone with concern and great worry that wasn't a very common look for Anastasia. "One day. You didn't miss much, just Tatiana shuffling about the room." Anastasia said, trying to mask her worry with her usual snarkiness and nonchalant demeanor.

Olive nodded, laying back down on the pillows when the simple act of pulling her head up made her feel as if she were going to pass out from dizziness. Anastasia kept on sewing, keeping her eyes downcast and her head bowed as a solemn mar creased her brow. "Mama came in and sat with you for three hours straight. Do you remember that? " Anastasia asked softly, her usual teasing tone gone. She seemed so meek and small when she spoke so softly, and Olive realized how much she was actually concerned for her. Olive shook her head, her brow furrowed as she she pulled the covers tighter around her small and cold body.  'No. " Olive said frankly, not wanting to speak if she didn't have to since it pained her throat so much.

Anastasia swallowed softly as she quietly tore out a few stitches in the blanket, her hands quietly trembling to where you'd have to really look to see it. "She is worried about you. She loves you, that's why she stays in here so much, even though she knows you can't see or hear her." Anastasia said, and Olive said nothing as the young girl ripped out yet another row of stitches she had been working on and had messed up. She knew Alexandra was fond of her, but she still found it a bit surprising she would sit and stay by her side for three hours straight. Olive would have shown her shock but her speaking or even smiling made her ache as well as the rest of her body.

"She used to do that for us when we were sick, Alexei too. She sat beside your bed, held your hand, spoke to you, and read you children's story, just like all of us." Anastasia said, almost a whisper as she put her sewing down to peer at the photo on Olive's dresser of Alexei. Olive still had her locket on, she hadn't took it off since Alexei gave it to her, not even when she bathed or slept. Olive felt bad for making everyone so worried and distressed over her, especially Alexandra who had heart problems and didn't need any extra stress, but she was thankful everyone was there for her to help her. She would rather have Tatiana and Alexandra taking care of her more than the worlds best doctor or nurse.

Olive tried once again to sit up, and struggling since her body felt like it was made of gelatin. She let out and embarrassing yelp as she tried to lean up, a pulse of throbbing pain and dizziness making her feel like she would pass out again. Anastasia jerked her head up when she yelped, her eyes frantically searching Olive's and the bed. "You... need to lay down. Don't try to get up." Anastasia said as if she were trying to figure out what to do. She put down her sewing, reaching over and pulling Olive's covers up and patting them down to smooth them out. It was clear Anastasia was no nurse like Olga or Tatiana, though she had been too young to work in the Lazeret hospital in 1916. The door opened quietly, and Olive couldn't lift her head up or see over the mounds of covers to see who it was as Anastasia turned to look.

"Is she awake?"

Olive knew that voice from anywhere, and if she were able to, she would have snapped her head up to look. Alexei. He was in the room. Olive was pleased to know he was in here with her, but she knew if he caught the flu from her he could easily die. Anastasia gave her younger brother a deadly look, crossing her arms as she moved from Olive's bed to the wooden chair. "Alexei, you aren't allowed in here. Tatiana said so. "Anastasia chided, clearly knowing as well as Olive that he could catch the flu and be put into a fatal illness. "Tatiana isn't in here, Nastya. "Alexei said, using Anastasia's nickname. Olive heard his footsteps sounding over the wooden floors, and a strike of fear ran down her spine.

He needed to leave, as much as Olive wanted to see him, it was true. He appeared by her bed, sitting on his knees as he peered at her on the bed. "Alexei, you can't be in here. You'll get sick." Olive said dryly,  and Alexei swallowed at her sickly voice. The concern lacing his eyes and face was almost heartbreaking to see. "Tatiana has been in here everyday, feeding you, giving you medicine, and changing your sheets and hasn't gotten sick. I'll be fine." He stated gently, reaching over to try and grab her hand when Olive pulled it away as sharply as she dared with her achy limbs. "Please, don't touch me. I don't want you to get sick, please." She pleaded with him, trying to make him understand the danger he was putting himself in by just standing in the room with her.

Alexei wasn't listening to any of her pleas though, and have her a smile. "One of the vows at our wedding will be 'to have from this day forward in sickness and in health'. I'm simply living up to that vow a bit early." Alexei said, gently rubbing the knuckles on her hand. Olive gave a small huff, though warmth was spreading through her like a small ember of flames. She couldn't argue with him anymore, though she was still worried he would get sick and it would be her fault for not trying to persuade him more to leave and giving up. She shook her head, yelping loudly when a pulse of throbbing pain made her throw her hand up to her forehead in attempt to quell it. Alexei flinched at the sound, swallowing audibly as he shook his head. "Get better, love. It pains me to see you like this." He said softly, and Olive remembered heryone saying those exact words to him when he bumped his leg and was sick in the hospital.

Alexei, was facing his own kind of pain.

This chapter it very poorly written and it didn't come out the way I wanted it to. The next chapter should be in Alexei's point of view, but I may do Olive's. Later in this story, I will be doing some chapters in the Grand Duchesses point of view because if I put it in Olive or Alexei's, some things that are supposed to be surprises won't be and the story won't be as interesting. The picture is of little Anstasia sewing in her mother's lilac boudoir. She is so adorable! Thanks for reading guys!! I really appreciate it!

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