The Church

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   It was January 8th, a measly week before the wedding. A wedding that would be in Imperial Russia's history forever, and would be hated and loved by people all over the world as well in Russia itself. Olive hadn't felt more nervous in her entire life, and it wasn't even her wedding day yet. Alexandra had noticed Olive's growing anxiety, and had quietly pulled her aside to give a bit of advice and pep talk on the subject. However much pep talk Olive received, it seemed that nothing could quell her nerves.

  She knew she wouldn't walk out of the wedding, she knew she couldn't do that to Alexei- or to herself. She surprisingly wasn't scared to become the Tsarina of Russia, despite her naivety of ruling. However Olive did know that she ruling Russia would be a lot to handle, no matter how prepared for ruling or unprepared she was. Alexei had told her more than once that she wasn't being forced into anything, and that marrying him was specifically Olive's choice. Olive had thought those words over and over, and sometimes the shock of ruling came to her, but in the end Alexei was the only thing that came to her mind. She loved him, and she had the kind of deep, eternal love for him that seemed unbreakable to others.

   It was decided that Olive and Alexei should be brought the the Grand Church of the Winter Palace everyday until the wedding to practice the speaking in the ceremony. Almost all of the speech would be in Russian, but Olive had now practiced enough to make it through the ceremony, though she was scared she would get caught on a word or mix it up with another. They rode in a carriage to the church, and it would be the first time Olive had ever visited it. Olive had seen paintings of the church in Alexander Palace, but she hadn't even passed the church in person. It was the same church Nicholas and Alexandra had been married in, and Olive remembered seeing a painting of the wedding, but she hadn't played attention to the background of the painting.

   Olive was seated next to Tatiana and Maria, while Nicholas, Alexandra, and Alexei sat across from them. Olga and Anastasia stayed at the palace, Olga wanted to catch up on her Bible reading and Anastasia had simply refused to leave her bed that morning, much to Alexandra's dislike. Olive noticed the quiet atmosphere in the carriage, and it made her a bit uncomfortable. She was a bit nervous to visit the church, something about seeing the place where her and Alexei would be married made her heart pound in her chest.

Alexandra was the one to break the silence. "You seem very on edge, dear." Alexandra crooned to Olive quietly, settling her hand on Olive's gently. Alexei's eyes immediately shot up to Olive's, concern clear into their blue depths. Olive swallowed, inhaling a bit before speaking. "I am a bit, but I'll be fine." Olive said, giving Alexandra a small smile. She glanced over to Alexei, who was still looking at her with concern. She flashed him a reassuring smile, which made him seem to relax and his body be less tense. Olive felt the carriage stop for a moment, and she realized they were at the gates of the church.

She crooked her head out, trying to glimpse a bit of the outside. She could see the top of it, and just the sight of it made her take a small breath inward. It had the same Arabian steeple design that many Russian town houses had in St.Petersburg, but the church was adorned with what seemed like gold, and the Russian monarch symbol Olive had come to recognize easily. Tatiana smiled at Olive's fascination with the church and gave a small chuckle. "You haven't even seen the inside yet, are you sure you won't pass out?" Tatiana teased Olive, making Olive blush and shake her head. "Oh, hush! I am just enjoying the view."  Olive retorted playfully, sitting back in her seat so she wouldn't be rude any longer.

  The carriage stopped near the entrance of the church, and they were all soon surrounded by a slew of guards. The church wasn't in session, but the churches as still on high guard because the church contained many holy icons inside reserved for the Royal family. They all filed out of the carriage, Olive a bit less graciously than the rest, and stood on the outside. Alexei made his way over to Olive as she gazed up at the church in awe. She subconsciously felt his arm move around her waist as he stood beside her, and she turned to smile at him. "It' beautiful, Alexei." She said plainly, the excitement gleaming in her eyes made Alexei smile at her. "And just think that we will be married here in just a week." Alexei whispered in her ear, the tenderness of his voice making her blush and her smile warmed.

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