Forbidden Love

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Olive and Tatiana decided to stay the night at Miss Peregrines instead if going through the trouble of traveling to the palace at such a late time. Olive stayed in her old room- the one she had before her and Enoch started sharing a room- with Tatiana. Olive let Tatiana have the bed, though she had protested greatly to it. Tatiana had argued that she was used to sleeping on hard floors, given the cot she slept on every night, but Olive had argued that she would feel bad if she made Tatiana sleep on the floor, even if she was willing to. Tatiana grumbled quite a bit, but still got into the bed. Tatiana could be as stubborn as Anastasia or Olga sometimes, a trait they had inherited from their mother.

The girls had stayed up telling stories of their childhood, which caused them to stay up a bit later than everyone else. Olive glossed over some facts of course, not wanting to give out anyone's peculiarity. Tatiana's childhood was more extravagant than Olive's since she was a royal child, but none of the Romanov children were spoiled with riches. Nicholas and Alexandra didn't want their children to be spoiled, so they raised them as simply as possible. The children slept on hard cots, took freezing cold baths, and were expected to spend all their free time quietly keeping to themselves. They received small allowances, so small that they all had to put their money together at the end of the year to buy their parents cheap perfume or small amounts of paper for their parents for Christmas.

Tatiana told Olive stories about Alexei as a child, who was actually a bit spoiled. His parents couldn't physically punish him, so he got away with almost everything. One time at a dinner party when Alexei was around six, he snuck under the table and stole a woman's shoe off her foot. He then crawled over to Nicholas and peeked out from under the table, showing him the shoe. Nicholas quietly told him to return his 'trophy' back to the woman, who had miraculously not noticed Alexei taking the shoe or stealthily putting it back on her.

Olive had quite a bit good stories about her childhood, like her accidentally setting the kitchen on fire when she was eight, though she had told Tatiana she had tried to use the stove when she had actually took her gloves off thinking she could control her powers. Millard had to hide while Tatiana was here, a the children keeping their peculiarities hidden from sight. Olive felt bad for Millard, who would love to talk with the beautiful, smart, sophisticated, Tatiana. They would get along great, but Millard's peculiarity would be a major set back. Tatiana was very religious, she would more than likely think Millard was some sort of unholy creature.

Olive had a sense Millard had feelings for Tatiana, though he had never spoken to her. He had seen her at the palace, while he was hiding in the palace and heard her speaking, loving the way she carried herself. Olive desperately wished she could help Millard, though there was absolutely nothing she could do to help. She could mention Millard to Tatiana, though that wouldn't help anything. Tatiana still couldn't meet Millard, and all it would do was make her curious, or think Olive might have made Millard up. Besides, Tatiana was being courted by Dmitri Malama, which Olive didn't have the heart to mention to Millard...


The next morning, Olive and Tatiana got ready and went downstairs for breakfast. Tatiana wasn't used to such a busy household, and Olive noticed her slip into the room where Emma and Jake were with Felix to get away. Olive sat down at the table, smiling to everyone. "Olive! Guess what?" Claire said, running over to the side of the table Olive was sitting at. Olive smiled, reaching out to smooth one of Claire's golden curls. "What sweetie?" Olive questioned, smiling at the little girl. Claire stood on her tiptoes, and even then Olive had to lean down to hear her. "Enoch is out with a lady!" She whispered excitedly. Olive felt a ping of joy and confusion in her chest. Enoch was with a girl? Why didn't he tell her? She was happy he had found someone but she would have thought he would have told her.

"Oh, who?" Olive asked, confused. Claire smiled, dancing around on her toes." Her name is Angel, she's really pretty. I think Enoch likes her!" Claire said, and Olive could tell she was excited. Olive wasn't sure who Angel was, but wanted to meet her. She wondered why Enoch had never mentioned her, she thought he told her everything. Maybe he thought she would be angry, though she actually felt happy for him. She wanted him to move on from her, though she knew he already had. "Oh, does she like him too?" Olive asked, her smile returning. Claire nodded eagerly, smiling a toothy grin. "Yeah! She always acts really sweet to him, she even told me and Bronwyn she thinks Enoch is handsome!" She said, and nodded towards Bronwyn.

Olive was happy Enoch had found someone. He deserved a nice girl in his life and hoped Angel- whoever she was - treated him right. Olive had broke the poor man's heart once, he didn't need it from another girl once again. Olive was a bit upset Enoch had never mentioned Angel, though she was sure he had a reason not to. He wouldn't hide something like that from her unless it was going to hurt her in some way, though it wouldn't. She just wanted everyone to be happy, though happiness didn't last forever...

Extra scene, Millard.

Millard crept through the dark hallways of the old mansion, his destination the old library. He knew Miss Peregrine would be in the library, she always was at this time of night. He opened the door, seeing the headmistress perched on a small chair by the desk. She looked up at him as he walked in quietly, her sharp, birdlike,  eyes watching him. "Why, Millard? What are you doing up at this hour?" She scolded, a frown on her face. Millard took a deep breath, willing himself to ask Miss Peregrine what he desperately wanted. The beautiful, elegant Tatiana was running through his brain as he spoke his next demand.

"Miss Peregrine, I want to be normal. Can you help me?"......

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