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The next day, all of her old friends came to visit. All of then easily hid their peculiarities, but Millard simply had to stay quiet and not get into anyone's way. Olive knew no matter how hard they tried, there was no way they could cover up an invisible boy. The twins simply passed as strange children, which wasn't as hard to cover up for. Miss Peregrine got along well with Tatiana, Olga,  and Alexandra. Alexei seemed to like all of them, he had a sweet spot especially for Claire. She always called him.' Prince', which ws an accurate title. Alexei sometimes called her Goldie in return, which made her stick her tongue out.

They all were in the gardens today, the boys playing around and the older ones staying by the Fountains. Olive was with Emma and Alexei, watching Claire and Bronwyn play in the flowers. "It's so great to be here again, the children love it." Emma said, unconsciously patting her growing stomach. Olive smiled,  she knew Emma would be a great mother, though she was still very young. "It is nice, have you picked out a name for the baby?" Olive asked, gesturing to her stomach.  Emma smiled, nodding over to Jake, who was now wrestling with Hugh and Horace. "For a boy we have picked out Erik, we don't have a name for a girl. " Emma said, giving a wry smile.

Olive knew the only reason Emma didn't have a girl name picked out was because she was probably certain the baby would be a boy. "Are you that certain it will be a boy?" Alexei asked, raising and eyebrow with a smile. Emma smiled carefully, nodding. "Very confident. " Emma said, then pointed at Olive and Alexei. "Once you two are married, I expect a baby soon after. I'm not going through motherhood alone you know." Emma said, giving Alexei and Olive serious looks. Olive blushed, shaking her head. "Emma, it's the baby's grandmothers job to demand children, and you have Jake." Olive protested. Alexei just had a smile on his face, shrugging.

"I want children, I always have." He said, his cheeks turning pink. Olive blushed at the thought of having children with him, though it wasn't a bad thought. She didn't want kids at the moment, but she did in the future. "Well you two better get on it! I want to be an aunt already!" Emma said, crossing her arms defensively. Olive wanted to laugh at her demands, but Alexei beat her to it. "There's no rush, we have plenty of time to have children. " Alexei stated, chuckling while putting an arm around Olive's shoulder. "You will be an aunt someday Emma, just not st the moment." Olive said with a smile, leaning her head on Alexei's shoulders.

  Emma smiled and winked. "Hopefully one day soon."


   Emma eventually went to go stand with Jake, who was now tired out from roughhousing with the boys. They both looked so happy together, Olive couldn't help but stare at them and smile. Olive spotted Enoch from across the yard, and saw him staring at the pond alone. She walked over to him, leaving Alexei to play with Claire. She approached him slowly, not wanting to startle him, though she doubted she could if he tried. The man could raise people from the dead, fear wasn't something that came easily to him. "Hey, you okay?" Olive said, not even bothering to address him. They had known each other since they were small children, and she was positive he knew her voice from anyone else's.

Enoch turned around, his face blank. "Yes, it was just a bit crowed, you know I ain't used to this much noise." He said, giving a small smile. Olive nodded, walking over beside him. "Yes, Miss Peregrine's definitely wasn't as loud as all this. They are all free to run around here though, they can't do that in the city. Too many eyes." Olive said wistfully, nodding her head towards the direction of St. Petersburg. Enoch nodded sighing. "You're right. I'm being a bit selfish aren't I?" He said, looking towards her. Olive smiled shaking her head. "I can't tell you how many times I've snuck off during official events. " she said, chuckling.

Enoch shook his head, smiling. "Wow, you're such the rebel aren't you?" He asked teasingly, rubbing her shoulder as he would the little boys hair. Olive smiled, and hugged him suddenly, smiling. Enoch gave a surprised gasp, trying to regain his balance. "Watch it Olive! You'll knock us both to the ground!" He said, grabbing her shoulders to keep her and him both balanced. Olive laughed stepping back, brushing back a few strands of hair that had gotten out of her tight bun. "I'm sorry, its just I'm glad we are still friends. " she said, smiling sheepishly. Enoch rolled his eyes, putting an arm around her shoulders. "Of course we are, we always will be. We were just honestly better friends than partners." He said, and Olive nodded approvingly.

"That's very true, but we are now closer in a way. We are like siblings, and you're the big brother I never had." Olive said, her smile not off her face. It was very true, her and Enoch were like siblings now. They had grown closer in a way, she could now tell him things she couldn't when they were together, like how things with Alexei were, how living at the palace was, and things like that. Enoch sighed, still smiling. "I knew you weren't happy with me, and when you'd come home I'd see how happy you were - all because you were with him. I realized I was just hurting both of us by holding you back from him." Enoch said, rubbing the back of his neck.

Olive swallowed. She didn't say anything, but smiled. She was glad that things between her and Enoch were okay, she really was. Alexei forgiving her was also so much more than what she could ever ask for from him, seeing how she had betrayed him for her own selfish needs. Alexei's accident had one good thing that came from it, and that was his forgiveness. He had told her he has thought she was going to die, and all he could think about was her, even though she had hurt him. "You were very right." She conceded, smiling. "Let's go back with everyone else, they are probably putting up missing posters by now." Olive said, making Enoch chuckle. "You're right, let's go. Hopefully they find a good picture of me." He said, making Olive laugh. Ey walked back to the courtyard, everyone, waiting for them.

Okay guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated!!! I've had my friends over for days now and at first it was fun but now I just want to kill them all! But sadly there is no WiFi in prison so I can't. The picture at the top is Alexei when he was around the age seven. He was so cute, walking around the town blowing his little horn or whatever that weird thing is. I also got this HUGE book all about the Romanovs and I'm super excited!!! There is an entire chapter full of nothing but stuff about Alexei!!! I'm super excited!!! Anyways, thanks for reading!!

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