Moment alone

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Olive felt like today's lessons had dragged on slowly, but that was only because her mind was focused elsewhere. Maria and Anastasia had been distracted too, much to Piere Gilliard's - their tutor- dislike. They had simply glossed over Romanov present day family history, which everyone knew everything about. It was Maria and Anastasia's family, they grew up knowing these people and their life stories. Olive knew most of the people, though she knew little about the Romanovs cousins she had yet to meet.

After lessons, Olive met with Tatiana and Olga in their mother's lilac boudoir, which was always peaceful and quiet - not to mention it always smelled like lilacs, night matter what season they were in. She sometimes went to the gardens with Alexei if he wasn't busy, but today he was so instead of going by herself, Olive found reading or sewing with Olga and Tatiana much more enjoyable than sitting alone in the gardens. Sitting in the gardens alone was very lonely, even with all the beautiful scenery.

Tatiana and Olga were both reading, which wasn't an unusual sight. Tatiana usually sewed, but she had probably finished the project she had been working on. Olga was better at sewing than Tatiana, but if a project was too hard Olga usually gave up on it. Tatiana saw all of her sewing projects to completion, she only gave up if the project was horrible or was so damaged it was unrecognizable. Olive read most of the time, sewing usually left her fingers sore and she just got irritated. Most of the time she had to borrow books from Alexandra because most books in the palace were in Russian.

To Olive's surprise, Alexandra was in the room too, talking to a maid in a hushed whisper. Alexandra wasn't usually in the boudoir this time of day, she usually came late at night. Olive curtsied to her, even though Alexandra had told her profusely that she didn't need to. "Hello, Your Highness." Olive said, smiling. Alexandra shook her head, the maid she was talking to forgotten at the moment. "Your formality is charming, but not needed Olive. " She scolded gently, and Olive resisted the urge to smirk.

"Well, I am speaking to the Tsarina of Russia. " Olive retorted, trying not to sound cocky. She didn't want Alexandra thinking she was rude, even though Alexandra already thought high of Olive. "Why yes, the Tsarina of Russia who will likely be your mother in law one day." Said Alexandra, her eyebrows raised in amusement. Alexandra could be surprisingly quirky. Olive blushed,  and tried to ignore Tatiana and Olga's smiles. 
"Why yes, that is true."


Later before dinner, Olive stood on the balcony, breathing in the chilly August air. Her birthday had been in June, making her slightly older than Alexei. The Romanovs had offered to throw Olive a ball, which was the family tradition. Olive refused however and settled on a small party with all of her friends from Miss Peregrines. Nicholas had been surprised, but covered it with his teasing. "Alright, it will slide for now. But remember, once you become a Romanov,  you will have no choice but ti uphold the family tradition. " He had said, a teasing smirk on his face.

The gardens were lit with the golden sunset, casting gold rays if light over its plants and fountains. It looked beautiful now, more than ever. Olive wanted nothing more but to sit in the gardens and breathe in the sunlight,  but she knew she wouldn't have time to get cleaned up for dinner. She hadn't been late for dinner yet, even after seven months at the palace. Anastasia was usually late, and sometimes Nicholas and Alexei were. Olive remembered how distant he was this morning and decided next time she saw him, she would ask him if something was wrong. If something was wrong, he would surely confide in her about it.

Suddenly, she felt someone wrap their arms around her. Olive jumped, giving a small shriek and instinctively tried to pull away,  her heart pounding. The person behind her chuckled, and Olive's chest loosened a bit when she realized who it was. "Alexei! Haven't I warned you not to sneak up on me like that!" She scolded, but couldn't resist the smile that was slowly creeping up on her lips. "You're just jumpy Olive, admit it." Alexei teased, still holding on to her. He had his head leaning against the back of hers, and Olive didn't need to turn around to know he had a smirk on his face.

"I can't admit to something that simply isn't true, Alexei. " She shot, though she still had a smile on her face. She wasn't jumpy, but when people snuck up on her out of the blue, it was only human nature to be startled. Alexei chuckled again, Olive feeling the vibrations against her back. "You are stubborn little thing aren't you?" He said, and Olive could feel him rolling his eyes. "I am certainly not stubborn, just strong willed." Olive said, rolling her eyes. She was strongly resisting the urge to cross her arms,  but that would only prove Alexei's point.

Alexei pressed a small kiss to the nape of her neck, and Olive felt a chill which had nothing to do with the weather. "Did you get done with your work early?" Olive asked, wondering why he was out of Nicholas's office so early. He usually didn't appear until right at dinner, it was a wonder he was out so early. Alexei nodded, smiling. "Yes, we got finished early today. " He said, nodding to the balcony doors. Olive smiled turning around to face him, her back against the stone walls of the balcony. "I'm glad, I finally got to spend some extra time with you." She said, smiling sweetly.

Alexei nodded, his eyes looking a bit tired. "We have been busy lately, I'm sorry for being so distant." He said, his face sincere. Olive chewed her lip,studying Alexei's face. "Why have you been so distant lately? " She asked, her brows furrowed in thought. Alexei sighed, shaking his head. "I'm not supposed to say anything unless it's a definite yes..." He said, and Olive took his hands intertwining their fingers. 'You can tell me Alexei, you know I won't say a word." Olive promised, kissing his cheek. She hoped he would confide in her, she couldn't stand not knowing.

Alexei exhaled deeply through his nose, swallowing. "Me and Father may be leaving for the war front, and soon." Alexei said, a dismal expression on his face. Olive's eyes widened, a hand covering her mouth. "For how long? The Germans and Russia aren't exactly getting along right now, isn't that too dangerous?" Olive asked, her head reeling. Russia and Germany were having a dispute right now, wanting Nicholas to pass on the throne to someone else, thinking Alexei to be weak and sickly. Alexei sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "It would be at the very least three months, but we need ti negotiate with them. They are serious Olive." Alexei said, his face paling.

Olive felt her face heating, possibly with tears. "Will there be a war?" She asked,  swallowing. She hoped there wouldn't be, she didn't know if she would be able to become the Tsarina with a war happening undertow, it was too much. Alexei inhaled deeply, biting his lip. "We are hoping it won't come to that, the German's our mothers own family. "He said, looking away. Olive swallowed. She knew that being the Tsarina's family wouldn't make them any less likely to declare a war, she knew the German's all too well.

"Oh god..." Olive said, covering her face with her hands. Alexei brought her into an embrace, sighing. "Don't worry, nothing is official yet." He said, and Olive felt bad for making him want to comfort her. The country going into war did nit politically affect her at all, Alexei might not be able to take on the throne in the middle of a war. "We should go in, I won't say a word to anyone." Alexei nodded, sensing her dismal mood.

Olive felt scared, if they went into war, would her and Alexei be able to still be together? Only time would tell.

Hey guys, sorry for the late update!  I may not be able to update tomorrow because it's my birthday and i'll be crowded with family members. I may still update if I have time though, I'm sorry!!


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