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Olive's flu was still relentlessly tormenting her, but not half as bad as the day before. She had broken her first wave of fever, but a second wave soon enveloped her again, making her throbbing headache that was soothed momentarily come back to haunt her once more. She vaguely remembered Tatiana giving her more medicine the day before and this morning, but she had barely acknowledged her as she flitted in and out of her bedroom, whispering kind words that Olive couldn't begin to comprehend. She also remembered hearing Alexandra's voice sometime yesterday, though she couldn't decipher what she had said or where she had been. It was like being asleep, but still conscious enough to acknowledge everything around you although it was hazy like a far dream.

Olive came back into her subconscious in a spiral of a dark dream, her second wave of fever breaking as small bits of her came back into her mind and body slowly. She realized she was breathing a bit heavy, and the linen sheets underneath her were soaked with sweat. She took a deep breath as she stared up at the ceiling, her headache soothed for the moment but would soon be spiraled right back into pain and her dreamlike state when the next wave of who knew how many fever. A rustle sounded behind her, and Olive turned to see Anastasia sitting in the wooden chair beside her bed, an old Russian children's book in her hands while she grinned like a cat with a mouse in its paws. "Ah, you're finally up." Anastasia chided, putting the book over on Olive's nightstand.

Olive blinked at Anastasia, resisting the small urge to glare at the young girl. The last thing she wanted right now was Anastasia's teasing, and Olive was almost shocked with herself for being so mean and negative,  and she knew it was her sore achy body causing her unusual behavior. "What?" Olive asked, feeling almost stupid for asking it. She didn't remember Anastasia coming into her room, but then again she didn't remember almost anything and the things she didn't remember were a blur. Anastasia grinned at Olive, hopping onto her bed without a care in the world as she clicked her tongue. "You don't remember anything, do you? " Anastasia asked with a haughty tone as the corners of her mouth picked up in a smirk that made her look almost identical to her father.

Olive shook her head slowly, squinting her eyes a bit as her eyebrows creased together in confusion. Anastasia clicked her tongue again, rolling her eyes as if it were the most basic information in the world and Olive was a fool for not knowing. "You've been sick in bed for three days. Tatiana has been nursing you the whole time! Even mama came in to help yesterday." Anastasia said in her teasing voice as if it all were a stupid joke as her legs swung back and forth where they hung off the bed. Olive's eyes would have widened if she weren't in so much pain,  she was utterly shocked. She had been sick for three days?! She had though she fell ill yesterday, how much had she actually missed?

She gave a small groan, pulling the covers up onto her freezing body, a sign that the fever would be coming back again and her conscience would be hazy and blacked out again. Anastasia simply giggled at Olive's shock, her face wrinkling up as she shook her head. "I came in here to watch you in case you woke up and didn't remember anything. You were talking and mumbling about really stupid things, not making any sense." Anastasia said, pointing to her head. Olive instinctively put her hand up to her head, shaking her head back and forth as she tried to take all this in. Did Anastasia not have the courtesy to try and explain all this to her at once instead of giving her tiny bits and pieces of everything and expecting her to be able to grasp everything?

"Maria came by yesterday, and she got so scared when she saw you all pale and flushed laying in the bed and talking nonsense,  she even started crying. " Anastasia said, her teasing tone fading a bit as her eyes flashed with sadness, almost too quick to see. Olive felt bad for Maria being so scared, but Maria was so sensitive and sweet she would get scared easily like that. Maria cared a lot about Olive, thinking if her as if she were another sister,  and Olive cared for her just as much. Olive nodded weakly, her throat hurting too much for her to actually speak. Everything seemed to be paining her and her body felt fragile and achy, and she hated feeling so weak and having everyone worry about her.

"We all visited you. Alexei was even here, but he had to stand by the door so he had no chance of catching the flu." Anastasia said, her teasing tone coming back and her eyes gleaming with humor ad she pulled a mock sad face." He was so upset when he saw you, he even argued with mama and papa to try and stay in here with you." Anastasia said, her smirk starting to make Olive a bit annoyed. She also felt her heart leap a bit in its chest, hearing that Alexei had been in here with her, though he was all the way across the room from her. Olive felt bad for getting sick and making everyone and Alexei worry about her, even though it wasn't her fault.

Anastasia didn't seem the least bit worried, though Olive knew she cared a bit or she wouldn't be in the room with her. "Aren't you afraid you'll be sick?" Olive asked, speaking with her hoarse voice that sounded scratchy and rough instead of her usual small, chirpy,  bright voice. Anastasia shook her head proudly, grinning ear to ear. "Nope. I never get sick." Anastasia said triumphantly, as if she had one an award of some kind and we're boasting about it. Olive would have rolled her eyes if they weren't so sensitive at the moment at Anastasia's antics, wondering how any relative of Tatiana could be so improper.

Anastasia truly lived up to her name, shvibzik.

This chapter was dedicated to Anastasia since I realized I hadn't given her a spotlight to be herself while I had done so with everyone else. I liked Anastasia, but I favor Tatiana, Olga, and Maria before her just because I like their personalities best. Anastasia is a very likable character for me as well though.  The picture is of Anastasia around the age of four or five on the Standard in 1906 I believe. And since I haven't done this in a while, I am going to thank readers again since you have been so supportive. Kymatismos and ltyytl thank you both for voting and supporting this story! Don't forget to follow and check them out. And to show my gratitude for your support,  I'll make a chapter with a suggestion from you both if you don't mind to make a request. I know ltyytl had asked for more intimate moments and I'll make one chapter for that, and Kymatismos please tell me what you'd like to see more of. Thanks fir reading!

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