Almost Goodbye

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Olive had barely gotten sleep that night, Alexei's news stuck in her head. She knew it would be difficult to not see him for three months straight, especially knowing he was at a place as dangerous as the War Front. Alexei would have barely any communication and if something happened with the Germans, they wouldn't know. The Germans weren't exactly fond of Alexei at the moment, him being the whole issue they wanted to go into war. Olive didn't want to lose Alexei to the Germans, it wouldn't be fair for him to give up his throne. It wasn't his fault he had Hemophilia, he couldn't help he wasn't normal.

Alexandra was drastically blaming herself for the whole situation, claiming Alexei wouldn't even have this disease if I wasn't for her. She thought she had poisoned the blood of the heir, but Nicholas disagreed profusely. "Alexei wouldn't even be here without you, Alix. Would you rather it be that?" He had said, making Alexandra dry her tears immediately. Alexei was already beating himself up over his sickness, thinking he wouldn't be able to rule Russia. "That's exactly what those damned Germans want you to think!" Nicholas had shouted, making Alexandra shudder. Alexandra was married to a Russian, but born a German. Those words had probably hurt her, but Nicholas had been too angry to process his words.

Olive had absolutely no clue what nationality she was, her parents had gave her up when she was very young. She didn't remember what they looked like at all, and she had no way to see pictures. Besides, she had never been too demanding about seeing her parents, they weren't much to her. They didn't want her so why should Olive want to meet them? Miss Peregrine was the closest thing Olive had for a mother, and she was fine with that honestly. She considered the palace to be her home now, although she had grew up in Cairnholm. They had lived in Russia for almost three years, Olive living in the shadows. They hid from the outside world, given their peculiarities.

   Olive was in her room now, petting Joy - who must have escaped from Alexei's room. Joy was sitting on Olive's bed, her head rested on Olive's folded legs. Joy was usually around Alexei whenever possible, so it surprised Olive he was in her room, but then again Alexei was probably - unsurprisingly - in Nicholas's office. "Who's a good girl Joy?" Olive said, making Joy pick up her head and wag her tail. She smiled a bit, scruffing her behind the ears. A knock sounded at the door, making Olive snap her head up. She really didn't want to answer the door, she had no intention on speaking with anyone at the moment. She finally got off her bed, giving a big huff along the way.

She straightened her posture and hair, just in case it was somebody important. She opened the door slowly, and saw sky blue eyes peeking in at her from the other side. Olive opened the door all the way, her cheeks heating. "Why, Alexei. What bring you here?" Olive said, regretting opening the door so he could see her room. He had never seen the inside before, she realized with dread. "I was looking for Joy actually, she must've ran off." He said with a chuckled, peeking over Olive's shoulder at Joy, who had snapped her head up and wagged her tail as soon as she had saw Alexei. "Come here Joy!" Alexei said, giving a whistle.

Olive laughed as Joy came bounding off her bed and into the doorway, jumping on Alexei. Olive couldn't help but suck in a breath, seeing her claws scrape over Alexei's chest. One scratch could kill him, especially Joy's sharp ones. Alexei laughed however, not looking worried one bit. "There you are!" He said, bending down onto his knees, petting her. Olive smiled at him, though she felt sad on the inside. When he left, Joy wouldn't see him either, and Joy missed Alexei when he was gone for just a few days. "She loves seeing you." Olive said smiling, but then felt her smile fade. "Too bad she won't for a while." Olive said sadly, walking over to her bed and sitting down.

Alexei stopped petting Joy, and looked at Olive, studying her face. His brows were furrowed by he didn't look annoyed, angry, or even confused. He gave a heavy sigh and stood up, leaning against the wooden doorframe. The doorframe had all the Romanov Children's names and heights on it, and Alexei had grown quite greatly. "I don't want to leave either, Olive. Please don't make this any more harder than it already is." Alexei said, and Olive caught the edge in his voice. She was making him a bit angry, and Olive realized how unfair she was being. It wasn't Alexei's fault he had to leave, there was no reason she should be treating him this hard. If he had the choice, he could stay but he didn't have a choice, he had to leave and that was that, no matter who liked it.

"I'm.. Sorry. I'm being unfair." Olive said swallowing back tears. Alexei quickly walked over to her sensing her tears. "No Love, please don't cry. I.. Didn't mean for it to come put so harsh. I'm sorry." He said, sitting on her bed beside her. Olive shook her head, sighing. "No, I am being unfair. Its not like you want to go." She said, wiping her teary eyes. "I'm going to miss you so much. " she said, leaning her head against his arms silently. Alexei slid his arm around her, kissing her forehead. "I'll miss you too, more than anything." He said, sighing. They sat in a comfortable silence, and Olive wished she could stay in this moment forever. She wouldn't get to hold him like this for three months, she realized.

"Yes, Love?"
"I love you."
"I love you too."

Okay, so the picture at the top is Tatiana Romanov. She was the cutest baby!!!! Maria was an adorable and beautiful child too, but Tatiana was considered to be the most beautiful. Who is your favorite Romanov child? Mine is obviously Tatiana. Is there any characters you would like to know more about or want to know what they look like just comment below! Thank you all my wonder ful readers!!

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