The Train

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Olive, Alexandra, Tatiana, Maria, and Anastasia traveled to St. Petersburg the next day and boarded the train there. The motorcar had certainly waken them all up after jostling them all around, so there wasn't a chance of anyone falling back asleep for the time being. When they arrived at the train station, there were hundreds of people as well as guards waiting for them, some with cameras out. Maria looked extremely uncomfortable in the cold, frigid air, huddling up to Anastasia while pretending to be looking for candy in her pockets. Olive knew her nose, cheeks, and ears were red from the cold, all the Grand Duchesses were. She didn't get why so many people would want to crowd around them, there wasn't much point to sitting out in the cold looking at people they had seen in pictures hundreds of times.

  The train was huge, but still smaller than the one that had brought Alexei back from the hospital 8 months ago. They would be riding on the train by their selves, and would be arriving in a vacant train also, except Alexei and Nicholas would hopefully be with them. While they were in Tsarkeyo Selo, they would be staying in the hospital dorms, which would more than likely be cramped. Nobody even bothered to complain though, not even Anastasia, for they all knew in just a day or less, they would Nicholas and Alexei, who had scared everyone to death with the attack that was made upon them both. They hadn't received a medical reports concerning Nicholas's and Alexei's health, though they had guessed they were still recovering.

Olive couldn't help but worry that Alexei might had gotten worse, or that he was sicker than they all had thought. The Tsar and Tsarevich had both suffered minor wounds, though Nicholas was probably in just as much pain as Alexei. Alexei hadn't been shot, which everyone thanked God for because if he had been shot, there might not have been a chance of him surviving it, but he had a deep scratch on his arm, which was bad for him. Alexei's hemophiliac blood wouldn't be able to clot right and it was certain that the gash had bled. Once Alexei started bleeding, it was hard for him to stop.

Olive snapped out of her dismal thoughts and came back into reality. She was sitting alone on one of the train booths, a needle, thread, and various colored cloths were strewn out in front of her. She had probably been ready to sew before she faded off into her daydreams, she couldn't really remember. Tatiana was helping Alexandra with something across the room, though Olive couldn't see what. Anastasia was napping atop a unwilling looking Maria, who was trying to read a book over her sisters strewn limbs over her body. Olive put her arm onto the table, rubbing her heavy eyelids. She hadn't got much sleep the night before since her nerves had been on high alert. She tried to keep herself awake, but soon she drifted off into sleep, her head laying across the table.

"Olive." A sweet voice said, shaking Olive's shoulder gently. Olive scrunched up her nose, not wanting to be awoken quite yet, but she lofted her head slowly. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the bright light the train was illuminating, and she could make out Maria's figure standing next to her beside the booth, although Olive recognized her angelic voice even in her sleepy state. "You've been asleep for six hours. Mama wanted me to wake you up. She said you were in a frightfully uncomfortable position" Maria stated, sliding onto the booth across from Olive. Olive's cheeks tinged pink thinking about how she had been laying across the table on top of all the fabric, it was a wonder she hadn't been stabbed by a needle.

Olive looked out the window, seeing nothing but snowy mountains and evergreen trees dusted with white. "Where are we?" Olive asked, trying not to sound grouchy, though it sounded that way. Maria didn't look offended, but stole a glance out the window, her brows knitted together in thought. "I think we are somewhere around Moscow, I'm not exactly sure. We will arrive in Tsarkeyo Selo in about five to six hours. " Maria said, and Olive was surprised Maria knew all of this, although she shouldn't have been. Maria and her family likely traveled to Tsarkeyo Selo a lot, since their family met up a lot there, like family reunions would but more often and more... Formal.

"Oh. I've slept too long." Olive said, yawning and stretching her arms in an attempt to wake herself up. She was still a bit tired, but knowing she would see Alexei in just six short hours had got her heart pumping and her blood rushing, making her wake up quite a bit. "No, Anastasia slept until just about 20 minutes ago, Mama told me to wake you up because you looked uncomfortable laying across the table. She didn't want you to have a sore back and neck when you saw Alexei so you couldn't bend down and give him a hug." Maria said, shaking her head then smiling teasingly at the end. Olive blushed and shook her head, not saying anything.

She silently thanked Alexandra for being thoughtful, though she was probably just teasing. Olive looked over to where Alexandra was sitting with Tatiana, showing her some old photographs. Anastasia was sitting in one of the booths alone, holding a book but didn't seem to be reading it any. "Anastasia didn't bring Jemmy." Olive observed, noting how Jemmy was usually around Anastasia at all times. Maria rolled her eyes, smiling. "Why yes. Peculiar isn't it? I wouldn't be the least surprised if she had him smuggled in her luggage." Maria teased, throwing glances at her sister, who was now making faces over at Maria and Olive.

Maria giggled, sitting up from the booth. "I'm going to go sit with Anastasia. I'll be back over in a bit alright?" Maria said, standing but not making her way over to Anastasia. Olive nodded, smiling at the two sisters. "Alright. You two behave, we don't want your poor mama have to scold you." Olive teased, nodding over to Alexandra. Maria giggled, scampering over to Anastasia, who was waving at Olive, smiling mischievously. Olive mockingly waved back, getting the feeling the Little Pair were up to something scandalous, as they always were. With Olga's absence, there was no big pair, just Tatiana.

  Olive picked up her sewing, trying her hardest to focus on it. However, her mind just couldn't stop racing, as well as her heart when she thought about seeing Alexei in just six short hours.

Okay guys, I suck at ending chapters as you can all see lol. Anyways, I finally changed my book cover and its A little better than the one before, though I thought it could be better. The crown in the middle is actually the Tsarina's crown, emphasizing the Title The Tsar's Wife. I have a big surprise coming up soon!!!! Stay tuned!!!!!! The picture at the top is of Maria when she was little, and her around the age fifteen. She was such a beautiful child, and she was a beautiful teenager too. Anyways, thank you for reading!!! I appreciate you all!!!

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