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With a bit of negotiations and harsh demands from both Nicholas and Alexandra, they were able to talk the hospital into letting Olive and the Grand Duchesses visit Alexei and Nicholas in the hospital, though it would be a few days before the train arrived in St.Petersburg and a few more for them to arrive at the hospital. Everyone was willing to make the trip however, despite the hours of boredom they all knew they would face on the train. They would all easily spend their time playing cheap games of cards or reading on the bumpy train to see Alexei and Nicholas. It was well worth it in Olive's opinion, though it wasn't always right.

Olga heard the news in a letter from Alexandra since there were no telephones in Wales, since no one there had a reason to use one. Olga had been very upset, and Olive's heart almost ripped in half when she heard her sobs on the other end of the line. Olga was so fond of her younger brother, as was tenderhearted Maria. Maria had a picture hanging up on her and Anastasia's wall of her and Alexei when they were young. Alexei was only about a year old in the picture, and was in a lake with Maria who was holding him up so he wouldn't fall into the lake. Olive had wanted to ask to see more pictures of the family, but didn't. She was close to the Romanovs but that still felt like she was being a bit invasive.

Miss Peregrine had a few pictures of her when she was younger, though all her baby pictures and early childhood photos were probably with her parents, though she highly doubted they had kept them. Her parents didn't exactly care for Olive once they found out she was a peculiar, her mother ran away and her father beat her. Julia, her sister was the only one who had actually cared for her, helping her escape from the hell she was living in at that house. Olive had no clue what had become of her older sister, though she honestly hadn't tried to find out, which made her feel guilty.

"Olive... you okay?" A soft voice beside her questioned quietly, snapping Olive out of her remorseful daydreams. "Yes, Maria. Just thinking. " Olive said, smiling at Maria. Maria stared at Olive for a few seconds before nodding slowly, giving a small smile. "Okay, just making sure." Maria said, though Olive could tell she was still curious. She probably guessed she was thinking of Alexei, though she had to admit he hadn't crossed her mind in the span of a few minutes, though now that she had thought of his name she couldn't get him out of her head. Olive looked around the room, realizing she was in the parlor Maria and Anastasia used for dancing lessons and such.

She remembered coming in here to judge Anastasia and Maria's new dance they had learned, which was slow and classic. "Mama won't let us learn tap or jazz, she says its not lady like." Anastasia had grumbled earlier, crossing her arms like a small child would during a tantrum. The dance had been not that bad, though the girls stepped on each others feet quite a bit. Olive was taught how to tap and slow dance by Emma and Fiona, who had learned the dance as small children. She didn't need slow dancing until Miss Peregrine had talked her into trying to fool Alexei, which had been one ride she never wanted to go on ever again.

Maria was sitting on the bench beside her, rubbing her feet and taking of her dancing shoes. Anastasia was across the room, idly playing with the keys of the piano that sat dormant in the corner. "Mama won't let us play piano either, we aren't even supposed to touch the piano." Maria said, sticking out her bottom lip in a small pout. Olive smiled, noting how Anastasia was playing with the piano, although she wasn't allowed. Anastasia was always the mischievous one from what Olive could gather, though Alexei had been quite a spoiled child. "Nastya, don't touch the piano. Mama will have a fit and you know it!" Maria scolded Anastasia, though she was a bit too late. Maria didn't usually scold Anastasia, but Olive knew Alexandra could probably hear the piano from her boudoir and Maria was just trying to help her sister.

Anastasia rolled her eyes and huffed, but still moved away from the piano, plopping herself down on the bench beside Olive. "Okay, mama. Do you want me to go fetch you some tea with that demand?" Anastasia said, standing up and curtsying as if the Tsarina herself were in the room. Maria shook her head, slipping her normal shoes back on. "Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanov, if you don't stop I will tell Mama." Maria said, pointing to the door. That stopped Anastasia from saying anything else, but it didn't stop the eye roll she directed at Maria. Olive giggled at their pointless banter which happened almost every day, but all in good heart.

Olive tried to discreetly bring her feet on top of the bench, folding her dress so you couldn't even see her ankles. Maria looked to Olive, twirling around in her flats, which made her lose her balance and almost topple over. "Hey Olive, can I ask you something please?" Maria inquired, smiling warmly. Olive furrowed her eyebrows, not even doubting she would ask something about her and Alexei, she always did. "Of course, go ahead Maria." Olive permitted scooting closer to Anastasia on the bench. Maria sat back down, playing with the lace on her sleeves, and Olive wondered why Maria hadn't changed into something more comfortable for dancing instead of a tight, laced, evening dress.

"Well... I was wondering. ." Maria said slowly, her face getting tinged pink. Olive leaned closer to Maria, knowing she probably wouldn't say the question very loud if she was embarrassed by it. "Are you and Alexei getting married?" Maria asked, finally looking up, her pretty face beet red. Olive felt her face getting warm, and before she could answer, Anastasia did for her. "Of course they are, we all knew this Mashka, that's a very stupid question." Anastasia said rolling her eyes at her sister. Maria shook her head, stuttering. "I was j-just want-ting to hear-r it from Olive." Maria protested weakly, barely able to defend herself. Maria was too kind hearted to be mean to anyone, she certainly lived up to her family's title, 'Blue Eyed Angel' .

Olive shook her head sighing. "We will, in the future. But not for a while." Olive said, but wasn't exactly sure if it was going to be that far in the future. Alexei needed to be married before he became the Tsar of Russia, and that would be in less than a year. Olive and him both didn't want to rush things, but time wasn't a thing they had a lot of at the moment. Soon, Olive would be the Empress of Russia, a title she never would have dreamed of having of it weren't for Alexei.

Okay, so I may update later tonight. I have BIG plans coming up and they still aren't the ones I'm excited for!!! I have to wait a while, take things slow, no rushing. I really can't wait to do scenes after Alexei and Olive are married, but I'm NOT looking forward to writing the wedding part, which will be a big pain. After the wedding, I have a short little scene I'm excited to do, but that's it. Ugh, patience is a virtue I do not have. Thanks for reading guys, and be sure to check out my new side book too!!


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