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Olive and Alexei agreed not to tell anyone about their engagement, especially Maria and Anastasia. Olive felt bad for hiding it from everyone, but it was for the best at the moment. If Anastasia and Maria knew it would only be a matter of time before the rest of Russia knew, and they certainly did not want that to happen. Alexei was going to tell Nicholas later that day, whenever the rest of the family went to sleep. It was Nicholas's job to announce their engagement to the rest of the family, and Olive couldn't help but feel a ping of nervousness run through her body. She knew Alexei's family approved of her, but she didn't know if their sudden engagement would be too much of a shock to everyone.

  Nicholas and the little pair almost constantly teased her and Alexei about getting married or having children and things like that, but Olive knew not to take their teasings to heart. Alexei would tell Nicolas alone, and Olive thought that was for the best since she didn't want to indure the rants or the jests he would surely place upon them. Alexei knew Olive was from Wales, and he knew that her old custom proposals may differ from his, and he apologized that he had done a classic Russian proposal instead of the one she might have been used to. Olive said there was no need to apologize, she didn't care which way he might have proposed to her, she was just glad he did.

She knew to expect Maria and Emma's giddiness when she told them, both hopeless romanticism. Emma always scolded Olive and Alexei in a way for not getting married, and now that they were engaged,  she would probably float three feet off the ground from joy. Maria was the same way, though she may metaphorically float three feet off the ground. Olive was a bit nervous about Miss Peregrines reaction,  who would likely say they were too young to be married. Olive knew they were very young, but it didn't bother her, Alexei was becoming Tsar at a relatively young age but who was to say he wasn't prepared for the position?

  Olive was now in Alexei's hospital room with Tatiana and Anastasia, Maria was with her father and Alexandra. She was sitting on the end of the bed, letting Anastasia spend time with her brother since she had been with Nicholas all yesterday and had yet to see her brother. Anastasia ws certainly not taking the trip in light, she complained that the train had given her an awful headache then whenever they had settled for the night she complained that the beds were hard an uncomfortable, much to everyone else's dismay. Now that she was around Alexei though,  her complaints had died down quite a bit.

"The palace isn't as bright with you gone, as Mama says." Anastasia said to Alexei, smiling like a child. Olive agreed with her words, the palace seemed gray and dull without Alexei in it, the whole Romanov family felt that way. "You're her sunbeam, or should I say baby? Anastasia teased, making Alexei blush by the use of his childhood nickname, which a derivation from his mother, as one could see. "Anastasia,  please don't use that nickname." Alexei said sternly,  but the blush coloring his cheeks made Olive want to giggle despite his seriousness. Anastasia rolled her eyes, crossing her arms as an act of mock irritation.  "Why not? Is it because your woman's in the room? " Anastasia said, and Olive felt her face flush from Anastasia's familiar teasing.

Alexei shook his head, though his cheeks remained pink.  Tatiana, mover one to miss a chance to scold her younger sibling,  came to their rescue."Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanov! Apologize at once! Your rude behavior is being brought upon others too often!" Tatiana chided, glaring daggers at her younger sister. Olive hit her smile at Anastasia's eye roll and muttered apology. "Same old Nastya, but we wouldn't have it any other way." Alexei said to his sister, affectionately using her nickname and rubbing her hand. Anastasia smiled, her grin as wide as a bobcat. "You know it, little brother." Anastasia teased, but Olive could tell she appreciated her brothers admiration.

Anastasia and Alexei had a special sibling bond, and no one could ever break that.

Short chapter, I know! Sorry, I'm rushing this one lol. Next chapter will be up late tonight or tomorrow,  so stay tuned!! And who do you think Alexei look more like? Nicholas or Alexandra?  I think Nicholas, although a lot of people say he resembled his mother more. Anyways, thanks for reading!! I love you all!!

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