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This is long awaited sequel several readers have been asking for. It's been indrafts for several years and today we publish it for all of you. So enjoy this unedited story lol! (2022)

"You don't belong here with us," She told me. Girls can be so mean, I guess I understood why I had friends who were only guys when I was younger and before. I was one of them, I wanted to be one of them and not some girl who's known as a girl jock, just an athletic with brains and not pretty. I wanted to more, I wanted to be a cheerleader, but they would never let me be apart of their squad, oh no. I was too low class as they say, even if I was richer than they all were combined. My dad plays for the Minnesota Waves, he brings in money and I work every day after school and on weekends at a gas station.

I guess that just made sense why I wouldn't belong with them. I work at a gas station! But it's what I love doing, being with boys who don't judge me for me. Boys are way better friends than girls, but I have to admit that some girls are super nice and aren't rude and get offended easily. I acted like them and wore what they did, but it wasn't the real me. The real me wore baggy clothes, loose clothes, jeans, hoodie, tee-shirts and hung out with guys. I wore a little make up and at school I wore the crop tops with the shirt underneath of course, heels, nice flats or shoes, skirts mini or not and dresses as well. My hair was always done and I always looked amazing throughout this year of school because I'll be entering my ninth year of school in a couple months.

School was over anyways and I started my walk down the horrifying halls of shame and doom. I never really liked school anymore, it bored me and I just didn't want to go. Once I left the school grounds and away from the preppy girls, I walked to the gas station alone. Sometimes one of my friends, who was indeed a lovely nice girl, would walk with me or even one of the guys who works at the gas station. Two boys from my school work there with me and then four from the high school work there. I'm in a junior and senior school. So I have grades seven to twelve here while the high school has nine to twelve only. I didn't mind though, I'll be going there next year.

Today was different though, my father had picked me up today in his car. I hopped in and threw my bag on the floor below me. I didn't have a reason or clue why he'd pick me up today. I had work and I've been working well to earn the money I'm getting. "When we get home, you should start packing your bags,"

I questioned him with a confused face, " What?"

He looks at me as the car came to a stop at the red light and the two left and right streets passed through the intersection. "Come on Ky, you know exactly what I mean," I kinda did and didn't. We're we leaving this town? But why? I mean I've been dying to leave here for the past couple months when everything took turns for the worse for my dad and I.

"All right, but are we going back because of your knee?" He nods. My dad has a knee injury. He got injured playing hockey and something happened to his knee. It's so weird, he knows exactly how I feel, in a way.

Once we got home we headed inside and I started packing up my stuff, even my hockey gear that I haven't used in a long while. I'm probably a little rusty if I were to play hockey again. Anyways, I headed to my room and sat on my bed looking at everything around me. We had stuff, but not much like our old place because we never planned on staying here and with my dad travelling a lot, too, didn't help because I was going with him when I was younger. But now I stay home alone and the old lady next door checks on me like eight times a day, morning, evening, and night.

"Dad! Where's my stick?!" I yelled from upstairs, I assume he had no idea because I can't remember where I had placed it last.

"Um, it should be in the store room!" He yelled back. I guess the store room could make sense to me. I threw my bags down the stairs since I'm not allowed to carry them down, too much weight for my leg. I walked down stairs and walked to the store room that wasn't far from where I was and my dad was all ready there looking for my stick. He ended up finding four sticks, all which were too short for me to use. "I can't find your stick that you've been using. We'll have to get another one,"

"I guess so, because I haven't played in so long that I've grown,"

"Indeed you have, Ky," He laughs. I pick up my bags and push them across the floor, it annoys my dad when I do that because they apparently scratch the floor. But only my hockey one would because there's wheels on it now. Before I had the regular bag that you carried over you shoulder, now I got wheels. Actually, my dad and I both have wheels and with our injuries, we kinda need them.

Once our stuff was in the car, we said goodbye to our house and headed a couple blocks down in the car to the bus stop. It was late at night, it was already seven thirty and we'd get back to Minneapolis around eleven- eleven thirty. I was ready to sleep the entire way, last time I was asleep most of the way. I also may not be asleep completely because I've learned to look out the window and start looking at the beautiful scenery and sunsets or sunrises.

Awhile later, I found myself in front of the bus with my father across from me again. I have to admit that this was the place I once loved and now I despise, but only because of some people. I had a best friend when I first moved here and now she's grown up into the popular crowd and she betrayed and ditched me. She started bullying me, along with her passe. It does bother me quite a bit that someone who use to be so close to you, left within a month or two. People change.

Now, I am ready to go back to my hometown where I've been most of my life. I don't know what I'll be doing while I'm there because I can't do much, but I hope it'll be worth it. I want to leave the past in the past, and by past, I mean the last year. In the last year I've been through so much, I've been bullied constantly because of my looks and because I guess I grew weak over time without the friends I grew up with. And to top that off, I was in a car accident about four months ago and I haven't done sports since that time.

The car accident was a fatal accident, out of five, there was two survivors, myself and my friend's older brother. My friend and I were being driven back from her place and her older brother was passenger in the front, I was behind him and there was two other boys. Driver died, and the two in the seat across from us. Our car got hit from the driver's side and the car ended up flipping twice and stopped upside down in the ditch. My friend's brother and I were unconscious at the time and I have no clue what happened after that. I remember very little about that night and I don't want to remember it again.

I assume my father took a glimpse of me because he spoke up, "Thinking again?" He asked as I tear slipped from my eye. I nod and turn towards him in my seat.

"Do you think I'll ever be able to run again? To jog? To skate?"

This was hard on my father, considering he's just going through the same thing I am, but his isn't as worse as I am. but he felt bad that his baby girl had to stay on the sidelines for so long. It does suck, because I was in a hospital for about a month because I was put into a coma for brain injuries. I felt a hell of a lot better after that because wounds scared over and I felt better because I was a total mess and in pain. "I don't know, Kylie. But maybe you'll be up and skating within a week or two. Who knows? The doctor said you could try at any time to start jogging and taking breaks,"

"I know, but what if I can't? What if my knee gives up? It was a non-displaced fracture," A non-displaced fracture is where you have a fracture in the knee but it can heel up pretty quickly with a cast. It could've been worse, I could've had a displaced fracture which is where there is an entire crack in the knee and the bone is no longer attached. Guess I'm lucky in a way.

"Kylie, we'll worry about this some other time, all right?" I nod and look at the ground. I didn't have crutches anymore, but still limped very little to none when I walked. I wore a knee brace, but it's only to help the knee stop from moving.

I guess I'll have to find out what my journey brings me now.

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