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Connie and I woke up this morning in our dorm room and last night I didn't tell her about the accident because we were a little too tired to say anything. But this morning we were up and ready for the day. Coach called for a practice this afternoon and I wasn't sure if I am able to skate yet or not. But I'm willing to try today, and asking my dad to be there because I may need some help. He already knows to be at the rink at around nine this morning.

Connie was dressed already and I was dressed this morning. "Promise me you'll not say a word about my knee?" I asked her. She nodded as she was getting ready to go down stairs and eat with the others so as we were going down stairs. I brought my hockey bag and stick with me because I was going to the rink and she knew where I was going. "About the knee," I started and closed my eyes. Here goes nothing.  "About four months ago I was in a fatal car accident," She gasped as I was telling her.

"You're okay now, right?" I nod.

"Yeah... I was back seat. But no matter where I sat I could've died. Out of five, three died and two survived. Our car got hit from the driver's side and the car ended up flipping twice and stopped upside down in the ditch. My friend's older brother and I were in the hospital for awhile, both unconscious and had no clue what during the time. I was put in a coma for a month because of brain injuries, but it helped me a whole lot,"

She was on the verge of crying and I looked like I had seen a ghost. I was just not wanting to tell anyone. Everytime I tell someone, I get the small visions in my head from tha night. The car rolling, four people screaming, because one had previously died, and it was just hell. I didn't like telling people for those reasons. It rbought tears to my eyes and visions to my head that made me go in my own trance sometimes.  "I feel so bad and wished I could've been there by your side,"

"It's fine, you wouldn't of wanted to be there. Ask my dad,"

"Can't, he lives in New Jersey. But why wouldn't I want to be there, you're my friend?" She asks as we turn the corner after coming  out of the elevator.

I had kinda forgot that I has a fake dad when my real one is here and is our Coach. " Well, after being in a coma and everything. I had mentally broke down and didn't want to continue. I just wanted to lay in bed all day and do nothing. It was hard on my dad as well because he couldn't really do what he needed to in order to be the father he had to and comfort me. He also worked and he travelled a lot, so he took a little time off. I was the grumpiest kid you'd ever meet and I still can be now because my journey is just coming to an end, but I'm not there yet,"

She smiles, "I like to see how you're positive now,"

I wave goodbye and split off from her since she was going to breakfast with everyone else from the team while Coach and I were going to the rink for some practice time. I've jogged, speed walked, and started running a little but have been taking breaks and I haven't tried running or annything for the past two weeks. So I might be strong enough to try now.

I wasn't wearing all my gear when I stood on the ice because it was kind of a waste for me to get it on and off when I was just gonna try skating and different tactics if my dad had any. I know I should've had someone else there with us because he can't do well, but I wanted it to be just he and I. I was wearing sweat pants and my hoodie from my team back in Wadena, MN, where my dad and I were before. I just had my name, number, logo on the back. Oh and don't forget the C. I was chosen Captain during my last year there and when I was recovering from injuries, my Coach ahd let me be the wingman or what ever. So I was allowed to sit or stand at the players' bench and help players out or tell Coach if someone needed to be switched or even a play. I felt part of the team again.

I was sitting on the bench waiting for my dad to come. I had my skates on and my stick in hand. My dad had called out my last name, Schaffer, and I stood up to see him there. In Wadena, I was known as Bombay, but here I'm known as Schaffer. I skate over to my dad slowly and stop next to him. "We'll warm up. I want you to start skating slowly in a circle," I nod and start turning slowly to skate to the right so I can start going around in a circle.

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